In Kiev to take place international Scientific Conference on Islam in European Society

In Kiev to take place international Scientific Conference on Islam in European Society
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On Wednesday, March, 30th, in the Islamic Social Cultural Centre of Kiev will take place the International Scientific Conference "Islam in Europe: yesterday, today, tomorrow". Within the limits of the action will pass rewarding of winners of the V-th all-Ukraine competition of Islamic researches of young scholars of A.Krymsky. The Conference will be organized and carried out by the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" and the all-Ukraine Social Organization "Ukrainian Centre of Islamic Studies".

As "Islam in Ukraine" was informed in the press-service of the AUASO "Аlraid", organizers put before themselves aim to analyze the current state, problems and prospects of the development of the Muslim Ummah, an issue of its integration into the modern European society.

During the conference there will be discussed world outlook, cultural-civilization, economic, political-legal aspects of formation and development of the European Muslim Ummah, questions of formation of a modern state policy of the European countries and structures concerning Islam and Muslims, the problem of mutual understanding, partnership and cooperation of Muslims and non-Muslims in modern Europe, prospects of the further development of Islam in Ukraine and Europe.

Within the limits of the scientific action will take place rewarding of the winners of the V-th all-Ukraine Competition of Islamic researches of young scholars of A. Krimsky.

Performances of the participants will be shined with the invited journalists of various mass-media.

In the actions will participate known scientists, education and culture workers, representatives of social authorities, social organizations, People's Deputies of Ukraine, foreign diplomats, and also visitors from Europe and Russia.

The conference will take place in Dehtyarevskaya street, 25а.

The registration beginning at 9.30am.

By the press-service of the AUASO "Аlraid"

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