Jamal Badawi in Kiev again

The member of the European Committee on Fatwa and Research, Dr. Jamal Badawi
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On April, 22-23rd, in the Islamic Social Cultural Centre of Kiev the renowned in the Islamic world scholar, Jamal Badawi, read a number of lectures and answered questions of Muslims. The meeting was initiated by the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid".

Arrival of the scholar caused considerable interest, after all Dr. Badawi already visited Kiev two years ago and his performances were well remembered by the Ukrainian Muslims.

"Shariat — the source of favor"

More than 200 persons gathered on April, 22nd, for the lecture of the expert on Muslim-Christian dialogue, professor of religious studies of the Canadian University of Holy Maria in Halifax (Canada), the member of the European Committee on Fatwa and Research, Dr. Jamala Badawi, "Shariat — the source of favor, not threats".

What is Shariat? Is there any difference between Shariat and fiqh? What are the sources of Shariat? What purposes are pursued by Shariat? What are the easing features of Shariat? All these questions were fully disclosed in the substantial lecture of the scholar.

"Taking into account that in the last time they more often speak and write about Shariat as a source of danger and threat for the whole Western civilization, we are compelled to explain that such an opinion is a deep error, and Shariat is a source of mercy for the person as it was established by the Almighty", — Sheikh Jamal Badawi focused attention of the gathered.

The scholar paid attention that the Divine law is not new in the history and it is not directed only at certain group of people, but to the whole mankind.

"Some people think that Shariat concerns only Muslims. But the Holy Quran states that Shariat (the Divine law) had all messengers of the Almighty. Therefore if it was harm, all prophets called for harm, and it is absolutely impossible!"

Peaceful co-existence with others

The lecture of Sheikh Badawi on April, 23rd, within the limits of a seminar-training for instructors "Peaceful co-existence of Muslims with people, irrespective of their creed" was not less interesting.

By a set of examples from history Dr. Jamal Badawi proved the statement that Muslims can peacefully co-exist with other people.

"It is enough to read the Revelation of the Almighty, - the scholar states. - In the Quran it is told about prophets who came before Muhammad whom Muslims esteem and love. In the same place Christians and Jews are called the People of the Book, and in the references of the Lord directed to all mankind it is often told, "Ye, people!"

In the given context there are a lot of questions which were asked the scholar upon the termination of the lectures, which concerned life of Muslims in the non-Muslim society.

All who visited the action, expressed hope that in the future Jamal Badawi and other scholars of such level will repeatedly visit Ukraine.

Listen to an audio record of lectures of Jamal Badawi in the Kiev ICC here.

Staff reporter

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