In all Mosques of Crimea to pass Prayers to Mark Anniversary of Deportation of Crimean Tatars

To mass deportation from Crimea were subjected more than 180 thousand Crimean Tatars
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The Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea intends to organize in all mosques of the peninsula the action to mark the anniversary of deportation of the Crimean-Tatar people.

As it was stated by the press-service of the RAMC, on actions which will take place on May, 17th, after the evening namaz, there will be told about the deportation of the Crimean Tatars and its consequences, and also there will be performed a prayer for all victims.

"Almost half of the Crimean-Tatar people died of starvation, cold and illnesses on the way to the place of deportation and in the first years of the reference. Many victims could not be buried according to the Muslim tradition, and some remained not buried at all. Each Crimean Tatar should remember this tragic date for its people and uplift prayers for deceased relatives. The given actions which will be carried out every year henceforth, are made with this very purpose", was noted in the Religious Administration.

On May, 18th, 1944, on charge in cooperation with the German army, mass deportation from Crimea underwent more than 180 thousand Crimean Tatars. By estimations of active workers of national movement of the Crimean Tatars, during the deportation and in first two years after it were killed not less than 46 % of the people.

Annually to mark the anniversary of the deportation mourning actions are carried out.

By "e-Crimea"

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