By Day of Science in Crimea took place Round Table on Topic of interethnic and interconfessional Relations

The round table in the Crimean office of the AUASO "Alraid"
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In the Crimean branch of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid", Simferopol, on May, 11th, 2011, took place the round table devoted to the Day of Science, on a topic, "Cultural-civilization dialogue and ways of harmonization of interethnic and interconfessional relations in Crimea".

In work of the round table took part the acting chairman of the Republican Committee on Affairs of Religions of the AR of Crimea, Aider Bulatov, secretary general of the AUASO "Alraid", Wael Alami, historians, philologists, lawyers, sociologists and political scientists.

During the action the scholars exchanged opinions and analyzed historical experience concerning the decision of the problems arising in the sphere interethnic and interconfessional relations in Crimea.

Also the attention was paid to the methods of formation of tolerance, harmonization of interethnic and interconfessional relations in Crimea, studying of social and legal problems in the issues of achievement of the civil peace and the consent on peninsula.

The action was organized by the Doctor of History, the head of the Crimean Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (CB IOS) of the NAS of Ukraine, Alexander Aybabin, the chairman of the AUASO "Alraid" in Crimea, Ali Mohammed Taha, PhD, the scientific secretary at the CB IOS NAS of Ukraine, Irina Zavadskaya, PhD, senior scientific employee at the CB IOS NAS of Ukraine, Victor Tur.
Scholars unanimously recognized the importance of the given event for Crimea.

In salutatory performances of the participants of the round table sounded gratitude to organizers and the AUASO "Alraid" that they "promote development of tolerance and creation of strong base of friendly relations in the country".

The Doctor of Law, professor, the head of the chair of the Crimean Law Institute of the Odessa State University of Internal Affairs, Maryna Gurenko-Vaytsman, thanked the AUASO "Alraid" for that warm atmosphere which is always present on the actions carried out by the Association, and in gratitude handed to the chairman of the Crimean branch of the AUASO "Аlraid", Ali Muhammad Taha, a gift (books).

The rector of the Crimean Institute of Culture, Art and Tourism, Professor Oleg Arshavirovich Gabrielan, is convinced that similar dialogues will help to find correct decisions of problems in Crimea. He emphasized that peace and consent in the polyethnic society of Crimea will be established provided that all nations will support and develop their culture, instead of uplifting it over others.

Special attention the head of the chair of history of the Crimean Engineering-Pedagogical University (CEPU), PhD, Refik Dzhaferovich Kurtseitov, named the Crimean-Tatar language as the key element of culture of the people. If not to preserve it, it will be forgotten and superseded from the society, the scholar is assured.

Candidate of History, the head of the department of CB IOS NAS of Ukraine, Margarita Anatolevna Aradzhioni, told in her report that in the XIX-th century the Armenian, Bulgarian and Greek immigrants in Crimea did not have conflicts on religious or national ground, only on economic, but the authorities of Crimea found ways of decision in such situations.

Assurance of the pro-rector on study of the CEPU, Muhiddin Ayiddinovich Hayruddinov, that the healthy way of life is the basis of formation of tolerance of the person, and, as result, a harmonious society, became a result of the action urging to action.


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