Scientific and cultural Heritage of Islamic Civilization through the Eyes of young Researchers

Scientific and cultural Heritage of Islamic Civilization through the Eyes of young Researchers
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How to awake interest of children to studying of history which would be not just memorizing of facts and dates, but would awake interest of young researchers of the past, and comprehension of greatness of that culture which carriers they are?

The Islamic community of Simferopol chose the successful approach to the decision of this question.

In this city in the Islamic Social Cultural Center of the AUASO "Аlraid" for the listeners of children's school "Habibullah", the round table on the topic "1000 and one invention" was carried out. The round table was the most real: adults placed tables in a circle, provided places for the gathered audience and organized a coffee-break; while the children prepared interesting reports.

The youngest students recited short suras and asked the Almighty that their big brothers and sisters could adequately present their reports to inform the listeners about the knowledge which they acquired at the preparation.

Ten lecturers spoke with the messages on how Muslim scientists made their first discoveries in various sciences. That Abul-Kasim az-Zahravi (the glorified surgeon of the Middle Ages known in the West as Abul-Kasis) invented a scalpel and many other tools which are used by doctors at the present time. Ibn Al Baytar studied and described medical properties of many plants. Such Muslim scientists as Biruni, Ahmad al Fergani, Al Idrisi, Ibn Khaldun, Jabir ibn Hayyan, Al Jazari, Al Khorezmi made a set of inventions in the field of mathematics, astronomy, geography, chemistry, physics, engineering.

Such round table in the ISCC of Simferopol is carried out already in the second time. The work of young researchers which independently discovered and presented the set of interesting researches was rewarded: the authors of the best researches received prizes which was handed by the head of the female department, Fatma Amrullaeva. However the main output of this action is that young researchers and the audience not only received the set of helpful information, - but also felt themselves involved in the richest and worthy respect scientific and cultural heritage.

In the near future similar actions will pass in other cities of Ukraine, too.

Zore ojja UMEROVA

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