Muslims From Different Ukrainian Cities Share Their Impressions Of Ramadan-2013

Muslims From Different Ukrainian Cities Share Their Impressions Of Ramadan-2013
Muslims From Different Ukrainian Cities Share Their Impressions Of Ramadan-2013
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Last 10 days of Ramadan come to the end, and more and more believers attend mosques within “Alraid” Islamic Cultural Centres on a regular basis to spend their time in worshiping, namely reading the Qur’an, remembering Allah, meditating upon His signs and performing collective prayers.

The ICC Schedule becomes more intensive at the end of the Holy Month for that reason, and large cities also have a possibility to gather the believers for joint iftars on a daily basis. We asked the visitors of those Islamic Centres to share their impressions for this year’s month of Fasting and the events they had attended.

People start gathering in advance at Kyiv ICC so that they have time to read the Qur’an and attend some lectures before the evening prayer. About 600 people come for collective iftars held on the daily basis: half of them remain at the mosque till dawn.

“I was really pleased with the opportunity to see my adherents during the month of Fast, perform joint prayers and share meals with them. I really enjoyed the Qur’an recitation by Shaikh Assayed from Egypt. I think this is the first time a Reciter of that level comes to Ukraine, I haven’t heard anything like that live at least”. Vitaly, aged 36

“I didn’t fast last year, and decided to try now. My parents approved, so now I fast almost every day. We then have dated and water along with adults, and then go for the prayer. There are other boys at the mosque coming along with their parents, so we made friends”. Mykola, aged 8

Up to 100 people attend the ICC in the Capital of the Crimean Autonomy; they attend lessons on different religious matters and lectures on the history of Prophets. They break their fast together at the end of the day and perform prayers during the evening and the following night.

“I had this thought during the whole Ramadan that millions of my brothers and sisters in faith all over the world are fasting the same as I do, they also make dua’ and ask the Lord to forgive them. This is an unspeakable feeling! The filling of being involved in the huge Islamic community make an unspeakable delight, and it’s much easier to fast because of that”. Elmaz, aged 18

“This is the first time I’m fasting during Ramadan, and I love this time very much: joint iftars and taraweeh prayers at the mosque. Waiting for iftars and then talking during the joint meal stuck to my memory. I will definitely remember this !” Izet, aged 14

More that 250 believers gather for a joint iftar in Kharkiv; 150 of them stay up to the dawn to make a better insight in the Ramadan atmosphere of joint worship.

“I’ve been watching the “Al-Manar” Organization for two years so far and I can say that very sincere and pious people work here. The spirit of brotherhood is specially felt during Ramadan - during the prayers, homilizations, lectures and joint iftars. I find it great that people here care for child development, too, and help the needy. There’s a constant progress in their work; the organization events are always up to date”. Eldar, aged 28

Muslims of Donetsk also don’t miss the opportunity to spend more time in worship: more than 100 people gather under the roof of local Islamic Cultural Centre every evening; with 70 of them remaining until the dawn prayer.

“This is my first fasting during Ramadan as I only became a Muslim last year. I thought fasting is too difficult; thought I couldn’t handle it. It appeared, however, than everything went well. I felt easiness and inspiration; came to the “Al-Amal” mosque on a daily basis for the joint iftars and taraweeh prayers. This made my faith stronger and my knowledge better. I’m sure that Ramadan brings me a lot of spiritual wheal in future”. Maxim, aged 30

Odessa Muslims are very sensitive about the Lord’s precept to save food: every day all surplus portions remaining after more than 300-person public iftars at Odessa Islamic Cultural Centre are delivered by the volunteers to nursing homes and care centres to feed the needy people. About 100 believers remain for the taraweeh prayer.

“Each Ramadan has its special spirit that makes it different and unique. Every year we think that particular Ramadan to be the most special of all, with the most special spirit, sound, meaning and beauty.

This year there has been a special spirit in our mosque, too. The mosque becomes kind of a home away from home for many of us, as we spend a lot of time here. We are rather different, but the differences don’t matter when you’re here - you feel yourself a part of one large family.

We go to one of the nursing homes after iftar where people having no one to take care of them live; we share our meal with those people. Seeing their joyful faces is the best reward one can wish for.

You wait for Ramadan for the whole year, and now it’s almost gone. I want to remember it for a really long time, save that light inside of my soul and always be thankful for Allah for everything He gives me”. Irina, aged 44


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