Day Of Unity Became The Day Of Sorrow

Day Of Unity Became The Day Of Sorrow
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In this hard time Mr. Said Ismagilov, Mufti of religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine, addressed to the people of Ukraine on the occasion of the Day of Unity and called upon them to prayer and fast, asking God Almighty for everything good for our common Fatherland.

Dear compatriots! Day of Unity always meant a lot for me as a symbol of unity of the nation of Ukraine on our land, given to us by God. This day has always be a reminder that we all are free citizens of a free country.

In the circumstances concerned I, as any other citizen, pray for the security and wealth of Ukraine and its population; I pray for the bloodshed to be stopped and all the discords to be solved in a peaceful and constructive manner.

As a Mufti of one of the largest Muslim communities of the country I call upon the politicians and average citizens along with other religious leaders. This is remarkable, I think, that the religious leaders of different confessions support each other during these days as never before. God blessed people of Ukraine with an ability to acknowledge different points of view and search for something that unites us, instead of looking for the reasons to divide. This is a priceless gift.

On behalf of Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” I want to express my full support of the communique adopted by the All-Ukrainian Council Of Churches And Religious Organisations on its emergency meeting. Its participants call upon everyone to immediately stop the bloodshed. They condemn using people’s religious views in political manipulations, and also claim for the urgent meeting with the President of ukraine and the leaders of the opposition.

And, of course, from the bottom of my heart I call everybody to pray for Ukraine and even fast if possible (as there is no barrier between a person’s prayer and the God, when this person asks something while breaking the fast) for peace, security and unity of Ukraine.

Said Ismagilov, Mufti of RAMU “Umma”

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