Who’s Responsible, Raiders Or Vandals?

Who’s Responsible, Raiders Or Vandals?
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Site container burned down at a Simferopol district mosque construction site.

The accident happened on November 17 in Ledaki village, the Head of local Muslim community “Temel” Mr. Aider Suleimanov reported.

“A woman living nearby telephoned me at 3 AM and told that the site container was on fire. We called the firefighters and the police immediately and went there in person. We found the container lock broken (we kept working tools inside). No one of the construction workers was around when the container was set on fire. There was nothing that could cause fire inside the container - no highly flammable substances, no electricity,” - Mr. Suleimanov said.

The police carry out investigation; while the local people are sure that was an arson.

It bears reminding that some plotters committed arson in two Crimean mosques earlier.

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