Polyconfessional Mourning March in Kharkiv

Speach of Mufti of Mosque in Kharkov Islamic Cultural Centre
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Terrorist attack committed by separatists hasn’t scared away Kharkiv patriots: they held their mourning event for “Heavenly Hundred” (peasants killed by the police during Maidan), for every patriot who died in the ATO zone (military, volunteer troops and peasants) and in Crimea (victims of kidnapping and torture).

The March started near Taras Shevchenko memorial and proceeded to the Constitution Square along one of the main streets of the city. Religious figures, combat instructors and heads of military academies also joined the even.

The crowd intelligently took the fact that every religious community honored the memory of those who died in their own manner:  Orthodox Christians held the lity for the dead? and Muslims made joint dua for late heroes and peasants and asked Allah Almighty to bless everyone who stands for Ukrainian integrity and independence.

“There are Christians, muslims and people of other religious beliefs among those who defend Ukraine today. We all pray in different manner, but for the same things: we all wish peace and consent in our country. One of such peacemakers was brigade general Mr.Isa Munaev, Commander of Jokhar Dudaev International Peacekeeping Battalion, who gave his life to defend this country from the aggressor, striving for peace on this land,” — Mr.Yevhen Glushchenko, Imam at mosque of the local islamic Cultural Centre, noted.

Religious figures of different Christian denominations, such as Orthodox Church, Catholics and Greek Catholics, also voiced their condolences.

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