©️ Саид Исмагилов/Фейсбук: 02.04.2020 г. Мусульмане-активисты формируют продуктовые наборы для помощи нуждающимся
©️ Саид Исмагилов/Фейсбук: 02.04.2020 г. Мусульмане-активисты формируют продуктовые наборы для помощи нуждающимся
©️ Саид Исмагилов/Фейсбук: 02.04.2020 г. Мусульмане-активисты формируют продуктовые наборы для помощи нуждающимся
©️ Саид Исмагилов/Фейсбук: 02.04.2020 г. Мусульмане-активисты формируют продуктовые наборы для помощи нуждающимся
©️ Саид Исмагилов/Фейсбук: 02.04.2020 г. Мусульмане-активисты формируют продуктовые наборы для помощи нуждающимся
©️ Саид Исмагилов/Фейсбук: 02.04.2020 г. Мусульмане-активисты формируют продуктовые наборы для помощи нуждающимся
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Islam in Ukraine
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Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre has successfully completed Stage 2 of “Help the Needy” Benefit on 2-3 April. Some were just given the grocery packs, while to others they were delivered right to their doorstep.

Each pack contained a considerable stock of flour, rice, sugar, pasta, vegetables, sunflower oil, tea and cookies. That has to be enough for the vulnerable groups of people to self-isolate without worrying about how to get their everyday groceries.

The list of Muslims who found themselves in a hard situation (due to illness, disability, lonely senility or loss of their job because of the quarantine) was provided by the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” .

The distribution in the Kyiv ICC yard was split in two days for a good reason: that was to avoid gathering a crowd, and make social distancing real. That’s why they also issued appointments at different times.

Mufti of RAMU “Umma” Said Ismagilov thanked all the good-doers:

— We bought all that thanks to the donations of Ukrainian Muslims who, in times like this, came forward to help those in need. May Allah Almighty bless every good-doer! Humanism and love for thy neighbour are crucial in such difficult times.

Noteworthy, the previous stage of the benefit was held by Kyiv ICC in late March, and the next stage is due before Ramadan.

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