Illusive Borders of Man-Made Morals

Pornographic production contains a warning that it is forbidden to people under 18, as if it is not sinful and does not debauch adults
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National Commission of Experts of Ukraine concerning protection of public morals presented for public discussion the project of criteria of reference of printing, audiovisual, electronic and other production to the production of the pornographic character, called to help corresponding state structures to regulate its distribution. Meanwhile the project of criteria already caused many questions, especially from believers' part.

It is hardly possible to read these projects without irony. Especially for us, Muslims. Islam firmly stands on position society protection from any displays of vile, dissolute, immoral and obscene, under whatever sauce it would be served. Experts on public morals, however, try to differentiate sensuality and pornography, considering that the first is admissible, while the second injures mentality and decomposes public morals. While experts try to find a border between the first and the second, Muslims openly declare, that sensuality and pornography, as a matter of fact, is the same thing, only differently called. Islam, perhaps, is the last religious system, which does not renounce its principles, causing thereby hatred of "a free part of the society".

The project of criteria appeared on the Commission web-site on May, 14th, on purpose — as it is stated in an explanatory note to it — "to increase efficiency of counteraction to manufacturing, creation, distribution, sale of production and materials of pornographic character, maintenance of legal basis for bringing to account for legislation infringement in the sphere of morality protection of the Ukrainian society". In short, these criteria urged to help inspectors, experts, judges to be guided at taking decisions on recognition of this or that production to be pornographic not by their own reasoning, but by certain definite signs. But already at the stage of definition of criteria on which materials can be defined as pornography, there are serious difficulties.

The project of criteria suggests distinguishing pornography and sensuality, and, if manufacture and distribution of the first is forbidden, on the second one such interdiction does not extend. To help the reader adequately estimate absurdity of a situation and depth of rooting of debauchery in our society, we will publish on pages of the Muslim edition some positions which are operated by the "protectors of morals".

The first that is evident, — the concepts of both definitions are partially crossed. For example, demonstration of genitals for the purpose of stimulation of sexual excitement is classified as pornography, and demonstration of the same genitals, but for the purpose of "outlook expansion" and "elevation to the cult of human relations by means of beauty of a human body", is already sensuality. There is a question: how to understand, whether it was meant outlook expansion of the spectator, or the naked body is shown for "propagation of sexual deviations" (that is classified as pornography, too).

Attempt to distinguish the correct image of sexual intercourse from the incorrect one is brought in the project to the point of irrationality. For instance, when it is offered to treat display of "male models with their genitals shown in the condition of partial erection" as sensuality, and "full" — as pornography. Some humorist critics already sarcastically suggested creating a system of State Standards for definition of degree of excitement. Pay attention, display of genitals is not discussed any more and not condemned; as if it is normal, and the problem only how to show it "correctly".

Apparently, these mistakes arise because of aspiration of authors of the project to break essentially uniform phenomenon on two parts, having differentiated in it the good and the bad sides. But if to reflect, it is a question about the same — demonstration of the naked body. And even if the author will assure that his creation is just an art-work, all the same, for the spectator or the reader it can become an instruction on sexual deviations. After all, it is a question not about a subject of display, but about the relation to it. Thus, it is possible to assume that our state relies exclusively on decency and aesthetic taste of citizens, giving them possibility to define what serves their ostensibly aesthetic and world outlook education, and what to development of sexual distortions and defects. But even if officials argue so, all the same, the debauchery will still prosper, but already under the title of sensuality. For example, teenagers have possibility to buy production recognized as sensuality, in spite of forbidden pornography, which is admitted on the market. Say, the image of models in frank clothes and sexual intercourse in a remote foreshortening "is a part of a complete artistic image and a product composition" — so it is formulated in the project. And it is quite wrong to protect against corrupting influence of pornography only teenagers — one of Muslim scholars fairly noted, "Pornographic production contains a warning that it is forbidden to people under 18, as if it is not sinful and does not debauch adults".

The project is imperfect in itself, though intention of state to regulate distribution of production of this sort causes many approvals. However, a small awkward attempt to divide "worthy" and "unworthy" display of sexual intercourses and other similar plots looks somewhat one-sided in comparison with a recent noisy interdiction of another stimulator and catalyst of distortion — slot machines. After all, there was no division of slot machines into aesthetic and functional which urged to stimulate only passion and distortion.

The complete uncooperative attitude to distortion and its catalysts is peculiar first of all to religious outlook. It is known that the Quran forbids all kinds of gambling as the tool of the Satan, "O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination, - of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper". (The Holy Quran, 5: 90)

From the point of view of the complete approach it is logical to forbid any activity directed on kindling of lust, after all, with the big share of confidence, it is possible to assume that the naked body shown even with aesthetic purposes, causes vicious desire.

Explicitly negative attitude to the naked body demonstration, whatever aim it serves, is peculiar to many religions and is stated in their holy texts.

This problem is repeatedly considered in the Bible. The most sharply the issue of prohibition of desire is considered in the precepts of Moses one of which speaks about prohibition to covet the wife of one's neighbour, "You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour ". (Exodus, 20: 14-17)

The New Testament makes even sharper comments on prohibition to sin with someone else's wife (and, undoubtedly, the heroine of pornographic or erotic product is someone else's), "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to desire her has already committed adultery with her in his heart". (Matthew, 5: 28)

The Ukrainian power showing care about religious, in particular, Christian, values, could show more sequence in following Christian morals.

From the point of view of Islam, both sensuality and pornography, — everything what leads to debauchery and a sin of eyes, as well as of another parts of the body, is forbidden. Believers are obliged to dress modestly, it is accurately stipulated what should be covered by clothes. And as to details of personal, intimate life, in really moral societies it is not paraded, and, moreover, it is not subject of national discussion. Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi explains that disclosure of intimate details is strictly forbidden, "It is stated in the Holy Quran, "Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard". (The Holy Quran, 4: 34) Here it is said about preserving in secret intimate relations, first of all. After all, one of requirements of Islam, "guard their modesty". (The Holy Quran, 24: 31) And the person telling about his sexual life, thereby as though displays his nakedness".

What to say about those who show their nakedness evidently. The Holy Quran orders to avoid participation in these forbidden acts, whether as a spectator or a reader, "O ye who believe! follow not Satan's footsteps: if any will follow the footsteps of Satan, he will (but) command what is shameful and wrong: and were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah on you, not one of you would ever have been pure: but Allah doth purify whom He pleases: and Allah is One Who hears and knows (all things)". (The Holy Quran, 24: 21) In the same verse it is repeatedly stated about necessity to lower one's gaze, and not to look at forbidden, seducing parts of body of representatives of an opposite sex (for example, in ayats 30 and 31).

In the book "Kosher Sex", the rabbi of Oxford University Shmuley Boteah speaks about an uncooperative attitude of modern Judaism to pornography, "Any form of frank sexual material which forces a husband or a wife to pay attention to someone else or something else, except two of them, brings an irreparable harm. Such a material causes sexual excitement which is an aim in itself, instead of way of achievement of deep affinity and excitement of two true partners". That is, sexual desire in relation to the spouse is quite justified, and harm of pornography is that it distracts spouses from each other. Similar opinion has a Catholic monk Ksavery Knotts from Poland — the author of the sensational book "Sex, which you do not know: for Married Couples who Love the Creator".

The book which was published in the publishing house "Аnsar" "Love and Sex in Islam" with references to the Holy Quran, Sunnah and Fatwas of Muslim scholars, explains norms of intimate relations of spouses. We find confirmation in the Holy Quran that sexual relations are permitted only within the bond of marriage, "But those whose desires exceed those limits are transgressors". (The Holy Quran, 23: 7)

In spite of the fact that three mentioned books caused scandals, they disclose the view of religion in relation to "sexual deviations", that is to dissoluteness and permissiveness in modern secular society. Surprisingly, however, that the state, though not officially, considered Christian, which leaders publicly visit churches and participate in festive prayers, does not consider even norms of Christian morals concerning debauchery, whatever it is called - sensuality or pornography.

It is possible to tell with confidence that the majority of religious confessions, existing in Ukraine, would support much more strict requirements to production causing vicious passion, and, more likely, would approve its interdiction both on screens, and on sale. But it seems that our democracy yet has not ripened to consider opinions not only of supporters of secular "values", but also opinion of believers which are the citizens of our state, enjoying equal rights.

The aspiration of the state to regulate distribution of production of pornographic character, on the one hand, seems rather noble and justified, while on the other hand we see that there is a try to legalize something entitled as "sensuality", that is frank debauchery, which is presented to us under the pretext of art. It is more pertinently to raise the question about an absolute prohibition of all sensual and pornographic production instead of definition of illusive borders between them, having found faithful companions in the name of the majority of religious organizations and numerous believing citizens of Ukraine.


By the newspaper "Arraid"

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