In Abu-Dhabi Takes Place Exhibition of Unique Products of Islamic Art

On decision of organizers, each exhibit is a part of the general subject line covering almost all aspects of Muslim faith and aims at disclosing of the philosophy of Islam
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Exhibition of unique products of Islamic art "Islam: Faith and Worship", reflecting development of Islamic culture throughout centuries, takes place in Abu-Dhabi, own correspondent of UKRINFORM states.

Seven museums of Istanbul chose for an exhibition about 150 invaluable exhibits which left for the first time their places in museum halls and appeared before general public outside of Turkey.

Culture, art, history and belief intertwined and embodied in surprisingly beautiful products of masters of the ІХ-ХІХ centuries representing various kinds of crafts: weaving, wood and metal carving, the Arabic calligraphy, manufacturing of miniatures.

Among exhibits are hand-written exemplars of the Holy Quran, most ancient of which is dated by the ІХ century, and the ornated caskets for them, woven by gold rugs for prayer and embroidered head scarves (ХV- ХІХ centuries), fragments of coverlets and various accessories for the Kaaba (a holy stone on the area of the main mosque in Makkah), a print in silver of a foot of the Prophet Muhammad, two-edged swords of the dynasty of Omeyads (VII century), lamps-fixtures made of metal lace, stamping ware. A model of heavenly sphere with constellations (ХVII century), an astrolabe (ХІІІ century) and a compass specifying the direction of Makkah (ХVIII century) are very interesting, too.

On decision of organizers, each exhibit is a part of the general subject line covering almost all aspects of Muslim faith and aims at disclosing of the philosophy of Islam.

Some thematic halls are devoted to life of the Prophet Muhammad, belief, a prayer and worship, pilgrimage and eternal life after death. Music underneath and a corresponding spirit at exhibition opening were provided by the Turkish military orchestra in the national clothes, which specially came to Abu-Dhabi for this.

The exposition organized by Management of Culture and Heritage of Abu-Dhabi together with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Turkey on the basis of the contract on cultural cooperation between the United Arab Emirates and Turkey, will last till October, 10th. Within the limits of the exhibition will take place various cultural actions, seminars for studying the history of crafts and master classes on manufacturing of all kinds of things.


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