Slaves and Governors. Slavs in Dar Ul-Islam in Early Middle Ages

The history of Muslims-Sakaliba, full of glory, greatness and shine, can serve as a fine example and support for Russians who convert to Islam, Ukrainians and other Slavs in our time
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The increase in quantity of followers of Islam among the Slavic population of the Earth, and also growth of activity and influence of the Slavs-Muslim in the society draws attention both of their coreligionists, and experts, observing the process "from outside". Hardly anyone is surprised, for example, with a word-combination "Russian Muslim". However, very few people know, that the phenomenon of conversion of the Slavs to Islam has deep roots and begins hardly probable not with the first years of existence of Islamic Caliphate. About destinies of ancestors of the modern Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs and other people in the Muslim lands in the Middle Ages will be the speech in given article.

How did they appear?

In Arabic the Slavs were called "Sakaliba". This word was derivative of the Byzantian name of these people – "Sklavins". Through the Byzantines, the Arabs and the Slavs "got acquainted" for the first time. The matter is that Slavic military formations were a part of the Byzantian army, and that is why they early enough met Muslim conquerors. Already since the first contacts to the soldiers of Islam, the Slavs, sometimes the whole groups of them began to come over to their side – against detested by them despotic and corrupted Byzantian Empire. In 664 about five thousands of Slavs joined the army of the Caliph Muavia (661 – 680). And in 692 the same was made by the Slavic team of the prince Nevolos with its full complement. New allies of the Caliphate converted to Islam and settled on northern borders of the Islamic state – in Syria, Levant, Northern Mesopotamia and Armenia, for their defense. Most likely, they were the Serbs and the Macedonians as these Slavic people prevailed in the Byzantian army of that time.

Joint actions of the Slavic and the Arabian fleet - also against Byzantium took place too. For example, according to the Byzantian emperor, and also outstanding historian Konstantin Parfirogeneta, in 805 or 807, in board of its predecessor Nikifor, the Slavic fleet attacked the city of Patras on Peloponnes in the union with "the Saracens and the Africans". Here, most likely, are meant, the Slavs of the Eastern Coast of the Adriatic sea.

The slave-trade was one more way by which the Sakaliba got on the Arabian Orient. As a rule, the Slavs were grasped during attacks on their settlements by the Francs, the Khazars and the Hungarians, and then they were re-sold to the Oriental markets.

Though captivity and a slavish condition are shameful, the further destiny of these captives in various areas of distribution of the Muslim civilization is surprising.

Spanish Sakaliba – soldiers and governors

The Slavs got to Spain mainly at the expense of slave-trade since early times. In 762 an Abbasidian propagandist Abd ar-Rahman Fihri, who was known under the nickname of as-Saklabi, that is – the Slav - arrived from Spain on the East of Caliphate. The quantity of the Sakaliba in Spain after its separation from the Caliphate and creation of the Cordoba Emirate and then Caliphate essentially increased.

The most powerful Spanish Muslim governor, Caliph Abd ar-Rahman the Third (919 – 929), for the first time understood all the value of the Slavs as soldiers and made them his personal guards. Being by nature brave and fearless, and owing to the circumstances which developed for them – disciplined and betrayed to the Caliph, guardsmen were probably the best military formation of the time. It is interesting that at that time they were not Muslims yet, that is why they were used as a military force.

Explanation to it is that though during the described time the non-Muslims, living on the territory of Dar ul-Islam – the Muslim world, could not enter armed forces, this rule did not extend to the non-Muslim allies out of this territory. On the other hand, soon practically all Slavic guardsmen converted to Islam.

If to speak about the number of "praetorians", according to the Arabian historian of the 17th century al-Makkari, during the reign of Abd ar-Rahman it made 13 750 persons. Already at this governor the Slavs started to occupy high posts in the military and state machinery, and, as a consequence – to influence the policy of the Cordoba Caliphate. For instance, the Slav called Nadzha headed the army sent by the Caliph against the kingdom of Leon.

In the times of political anarchy and disintegration of the Caliphate in Spain (in the Arabian historiography called "the period of At-Taifa"), which started in 1010, on its territory appeared a set of rather small and actually independent princedoms-emirates. In some of these emirates – Almeria, Murcia, Tortose, Valencia - the power was grasped by the former Slavic guardsmen who started their own dynasties. Basically "Slavic" princedoms settled down at the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, and also on the Balearic islands. And, for example, in Seville, though the Sakaliba never reigned there, nevertheless, as an army kernel, they made a considerable impact on the policy of an Emirate.

It is possible to recognize as the most successful Slavic governor of Spain, Mudzhahid al-Amiri, the master of Denia (on the Balearic Islands). In 1015 he managed (only for one year) to seize Sardinia. Besides, Mudzhahid is known as the outstanding patron of science and art – at his reign on the territory of the Emirate was opened the school of Quran, and the city of Madina Mayurka (Palma de Mayorka) became arena of public debates between two greatest Andalusian intellectuals of that time – Ibn Hazm and Al-Badzhi. During the reign of Mudzhahid the capital of the Emirate Deniya became one of the largest ports of the Mediterranean. Among other Slavic Emirs of Spain it is possible to mention the master of Murcia and Almeria Hayran al-Saklabi, and also the governor of Tortos Labiba al-Saklabi.

Besides, in the 10–11 centuries the Slavs made enormous impact on culture of Muslim Spain. So, in the last years, existence of the Cordoba Caliphate on its territory were so many writers, poets and owners of libraries of the Slavic origin that they were devoted the whole monograph of Habib as-Saklabi. By the nickname of the author it is easy to guess that he also was from the Slavs.

The end to the Slavic Emirates in Spain was put by the Berbers – their old contenders lived at the court of the Cordoba Caliphs. In the beginning serving, as well as the Sakaliba, guardsmen at the court of the Caliph, they were much more numerous, and also had support of the Berber tribes which moved on the territory of Andalusia. However, at the time of at-Taifa it did not represent special threat to the Slavic Emirs who became stronger on their thrones. Position was changed in the end of the 11th century when the Berber dynasty of Almoravid which again united the Muslim Spain, liquidated all, including Slavic, centers of separatism.

The Northern Africa

On the territory of the Northern Africa the Slavs also were used as guardsmen. In the Sultanate Nikur which was situated around modern border between Algeria and Morocco, in the 11th century they participated in attempt to overthrow the sultan Said ibn Salih. After long and bloody struggle rebellious guardsmen nevertheless were defeated and left for mountains where they built the strengthened camp and settlement which was later called Qarayat as-Sakaliba (the village of the Slavs).

There were Slavic guardsmen at the court of Fatimide Caliphs in Egypt, too. So, the Slav Masud who submitted to Fatimides, in 924 – 925, having sailed from Ifrikiy (modern Tunis), took a fortress of Santa Agatha in Sicily.


Numerous sources inform on enormous quantity of the Slavs in Iraq. According to one of the messages, in 800 they "simply flooded" Baghdad. They were merchants, and also – all the same guardsmen. It is known that during the reign of the Omeyad Caliph Marvan the Second (744 – 750), his treasurer was the Slavic libertine.

However, at Abbasids the Slavic guardsmen had misfortune to participate in revolt 865 – 866 in support of the applicant on the Caliphate al-Mustain – the Slav by mother. After the defeat of the revolt the Sakaliba start to be replaced with Turks.

The Slavs were present in the other Muslim lands, too – in Yemen, Nubia, Persia, Khoresm, where they also performed mainly military functions.

Proceeding from all aforementioned, it is possible to state that the history of Muslims-Sakaliba is full of glory, greatness and shine. It can serve as a fine example and support for Russians who convert to Islam, Ukrainians and other Slavs in our time. After all, having possibility to turn to history, to the roots and sources, the newly converted Slavs will not feel their choice to be something extraordinary and unnatural. On the contrary – pride for their great ancestors is capable to give forces to descendants, to inspire them to great duties for the sake of their Native land.

The bibliography

1. Egorov K.E. Formation of the Kiev Rus//

2. Islam in the Western Africa - M, 1998.

3. Mishin D. E. Sakaliba (the Slavs) in the Islamic World in the Early Middle Ages – М, 2002.

4. Hoberman B. Treasures of the North//

5. Slavs of Muslim Spain//

By IslamNews

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