Investments under Shariat Laws

In Ukraine Arabian business is interested by everything but alcoholic drinks, tobacco and game business.
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The countries of the Arabic world can become strategic investors in Ukraine. Not so long time started work on comprehending of bases of this cooperation. The basic requirement of the Arabic investors is that affairs should be conducted under laws which correspond to Shariat rules of law.

In May of the current year in Kuwait took place the first Ukrainian-Arabian conference on issue of investment appeal of domestic economy for the countries of the Arabian world. "Ukraine received more than 100 million dollars from the Arabian investors. The involved means are concentrated, mainly, in private sector, as government programs still demand to a certain extent rationing and completion to apply for such investments", one of initiators of idea of the Ukrainian-Arabian investment cooperation — the assistant to the head of committee of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine concerning the tax and customs policy Konstantin Bondarev told to "The Day" newspaper.

And already in October Ukraine received representatives of business of the Arabian countries. In the conference on a theme "Investment prospects in Ukraine" participated representatives of embassies of Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Oman and Jordan. These Arabian partners are strategically more attractive to the Ukrainian business. After all, according to the laws of Shariat they cannot lend money. That is it is a question not of business crediting, but of real economic activities. Partners not only divide incomes, but also divide risks of business. Moreover, the Arabian investor does not pursue the aim to buy a control part of actions in the business capital.

"If you wish to create common business — address us. We are open for cooperation. The only requirement is that affairs should be conducted under laws which correspond to our rules of law, the director of the company Shariah Solutins, the well-known expert of Shariat and Islamic financing Sheikh Haytham Tamim says. — We are not limited in directions of cooperation with Ukraine. The only thing is that we do not finance alcoholic, tobacco industry and all derivative branches, we do not give money for gaming promotion. After all it is forbidden by Shariat laws".

Nowadays, the basic directions over which the Ukrainian business within the limits of adjustment of the Ukrainian-Arabian investment cooperation works, are agriculture and food industry, bank services, transport, tourism and innovative technologies in building. However, according to the vice-president of group of companies Al-Bader International Development Mahrous Besiso, other branches of Ukrainian industry are also interesting enough to investments, and will be carefully investigated. The Arabian investors already study the Ukrainian legislation and possibilities of its adapting to Islamic financial system.

By the newspaper "The Day"

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