67 Crimean Mosques Still Unregistered

67 Crimean Mosques Still Unregistered
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Only 13 out of 80 built mosques in Crimean have technical certificates. According to representatives of the SMMC, this situation developed mainly because of caused difficulties at registration of legal documents on the constructed cult buildings.

QHA is informed about it by the Head of the Republican Committee of Crimea for Religions Volodymyr Malyborskyi at the meeting of the Permanent Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea for Culture, Youth and Sports, 11 February.

Also he noted, most of the transferred objects to the religious communities and used as mosques are not reissued to the Muslim communities property. "These objects are still registered in the Technical Inventory Bureau (TIB), as clubs, shops, boiler houses and offices. No more than 10 Muslim communities have the official acts on the land plots, which allocated for the mosques construction" – Malyborskyi says.

In his turn, the adviser of the Mufti of the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Crimea on international relations Arsen Alchikov concerning property returning and restoration of rights of religious organizations, stated, that the Crimean Muslims face considerable difficulties at registration of legal documents on the constructed cult buildings. "About 60 new mosques in Crimea have no commissioning certificate because no one assists us, all put obstacles in our way", A.Alchikov commented.


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