In the Islamic Social Cultural Centre of Kiev on coming Friday and Saturday will take place a lecture for the Kiev Muslims on family topic which will be carried out by the Egyptian scholar and preacher known for his lectures on the Arabian TV, Sheikh Khalid Abdul'alim Mutawali, who arrived to Ukraine from the United Arab Emirates.
As it informed "Islam in Ukraine", in the ISCC of Kiev, on October, 8th, after a Friday prayer and al-asr prayer the Islamic scholar will devote his time to Muslim women.
In his performance sheikh Mutawali will tell about how to achieve feeling of sweetness of faith and how to keep this feeling, how to worship Allah as if one sees Him before himself and also how to preserve faith, living in non-Muslim society. After that there will be time for answers to questions of the hearers.
On Saturday, October, 9th, from 1pm till 6pm, the guest of honor will hold the family seminar during which he in detail will consider issues of education of children and responsibility of parents before the Almighty, mutual relations between spouses and their influence on children, will share advices about family strengthening.
Also special attention will be paid to communication with teenagers, in particular to lie and reserve problems.
Lectures will pass in assembly hall of the Islamic Cultural Centre.
Organizers of the action urge Muslims of the city of Kiev "to take advantage of possibility to acquire new knowledge, to strengthen faith, to improve morals and to give them firmness on the true course of life".
Staff reporter.
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