Azerbaijanians of Ukraine supported Compatriots in their Protests against Hijab Ban in schools

In Kiev demanded to resolve hijab in schools of Azerbaijan (Photo by: UKRFOTO)
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Some tens representatives of the Azerbaijan religious community of Kiev carried out a protest action at the embassy of Azerbaijan. Participants of the meeting opposed an interdiction of the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan for wearing hijab in the country educational institutions.

Thus, believing Azerbaijanians of Ukraine expressed their support to participants of protest actions in Baku, transfers

Let us remind, one of these days in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, at the walls of the Ministry of Education passed a numerous meeting of supporters of wearing of a female religious head scarf - hijab in schools.

Protests were caused by the statement of the Minister of Education of Azerbaijan Misir Mardanov that in Azerbaijan is accepted the school uniform, and there is no place for the religious clothes in it. And consequently without an exception these rules should be observed by all.

"Outside of school we can wear anything we like. Many accuse me of disbelief, but I consider that there are laws and they should be observed", Mardanov stated.

In reply to the statement of the minister about thousand persons supported the right of wearing hijab at schools of Azerbaijan with slogans "Freedom to hijab!" and "Allah is great!"

As it specifies "Gazeta.Ru" referring to Reuters, the meeting became one of the greatest protest actions in Azerbaijan during the last years.

"My daughter and her friends are not allowed to visit classes with their hijabs on, and it is unacceptable", one of protesting women told.

As well as all unapproved protest actions in Baku, the meeting was rigidly dispersed by police. The video embodied as tens policemen push aside protesting to a wall, some were pushed into buses. Some persons were beaten by bludgeons. Under the different data, the police detained from 10 to 16 persons. On a part from them administrative reports are issued.

The deputy of Azerbaijan parliament Aydyn Mirzazade told to the agency APA that there is no official ban for wearing of hijab in the country.

"Each educational institution can forbid it by the internal certificates", the deputy explained.

The professor of the Baku state university, political scientist Rustam Mamedov, noticed that the relation to Islam changed after disintegration of the USSR, and Islamization of Azerbaijan started.

"I see that there are much more girls wearing hijabs at schools, and it differs from the state policy of Europeanization", he explained.

As latest developments in the country testify, the authorities of Azerbaijan try to struggle with increasing religiousness of the society.

By mass-media

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