RAMU "Ummah" Supports Fatwa of Muslim Scholars on Situation in Syria

107 well-known Muslim scholars stated about necessity of supporting of Free Syrian army and declared forbidden service in the state safety forces of Syria
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The Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah" condemns the actions of Syria for murder of thousand civilians of the country, states extreme concern in the developed conditions and joins the appeal of the leading scholars of the Islamic world, urged to resist to the mode of Bashar Asad for application of heavy arms - tanks and artillery - against the people.

"Believers should not stay indifferent to the tragedy which takes place on the blessed Syrian land. We express our condolences and compassions to families and relatives of the people who were killed as a result of escalation of violence. We ask Allah the Almighty for peace, justice and freedom in this Muslim country", the circulation, published on the site of the Religious Administration, goes.

Against the developed large-scale war of army against the people, 107 well-known Muslim scholars stated about necessity of supporting of Free Syrian army and declared forbidden service in the state safety forces of Syria. The fatwa appeared against escalation of violence, murder of civilians of this country and use of weapon against peaceful demonstrators.

Authoritative scholars of the Islamic world among whom are doctor Yusuf al-Karadawi, the Mufti of Egypt, Sheikh Ali Gomaa, and also scholars - Rashid Gannushi, Sadek Gariyani, Abdul Majid Zindani, Muhammad Hassan and many others urge military men to come over to the side of insurgents and together to resist to Bashar Asad's regime, "even if they should sacrifice their life".

The scholars addressed to the civilians of Syria. They urged the citizens to join the ranks of the Free Syrian army and to assist for protection of peaceful population.

Muslim scholars, among whom is the head of the International union of Muslim scholars, the leader of Islamic party "An-Nahda" which won elections, and tens of other influential leaders of the Islamic world, confirmed necessity of rendering of the material, moral and physical help to the suffered children, refugees who settled in Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon. Also, in their opinion, the help should be rendered to insurgents in Syria, "that they could finish this revolution for acquisition of freedom and their rights".

The scholars addressed with the appeal to the Arab and Muslim countries to undertake serious steps concerning Bashar Asad's regime, naming such preferable international sanctions, as exile of ambassadors of Syria, termination of all forms of co-operation with it and with those countries which support it, in particular - Russia and China.

Also in the statement of the scholars which is published on the site of the Union of Muslim scholars Iumsonline.org, it is stated about necessity of association of all insurgents of Syria, the Syrian national board and opposition for the sake of achievement of the purposes of revolution and freedom.

By the press-service of the RAMU "Ummah"

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