Crimean Muftiate Is Concerned About People Disappearing At The Peninsula

Crimean Muftiate Is Concerned About People Disappearing At The Peninsula
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Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea (RAMC) expressed their deep concern about the fact that people of different religions are disappearing at the peninsula. According to this, the Muftiate appealed to the Crimean self-proclaimed authorities asking to take measures to investigating these cases.

he “Crimea.Reality” reports that the RAMC also appealed to Metropolite Lazarus of Simferopol and Crimea asking to support that initiative.

“Crimean Muftiate asks you, as the spiritual leader of one of the peninsula’s main confessions, to support this initiative and make your input in stabilizing the situation in Crimea,” the document says.

The appeal also indicated that the “idleness of law enforcement agencies can lead to destroying the fragile interfaith balance in multiethnic Crimea.”

According to information by the “Ukrainian house”, two of their activists disappeared within a week in May, namely Mr.Timur Shaymardanov and Mr.Leonid Korzh from Simferopol. They left their homes and disappeared, and there-s no means of contacting them.

Another Crimean activist disappeared on late May 30. Mr. Seyran Zinedinov, aged 33, was searching for Mr.Timur Shaymardanov, his acquaintance. Both men helped Ukrainian military bases blocked by the Russian military this spring.

These and other offences reveal the increased unlawful acts in Crimea and violation of human rights and freedoms.

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