Influential Islamic Preacher Issues Fatwa against Suicide Bombers

Influential Islamic Preacher Issues Fatwa against Suicide Bombers
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"Correspondent", 2.03.2010

The influential Muslim preacher intends to publish in London the fatwa against terrorism and suicide bombers.

Fatwa is a decision on a concrete question which is issued by the authoritative cleric and which is based on Islamic principles. Experts compare fatwa to precedent in the Anglo-Saxon law as it represents the conclusion on a concrete question though it is issued not by the judge, but by the influential scholar.

The Islamic scholar, Doctor Tahir Kadri, the native of Pakistan, living in Great Britain, says that his 600-page work completely deprives Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations of the ideological base. Osama bin Laden's network the preacher names as "old harm with the new name" and adds that till now Al Qaeda was not seriously opposed ideologically.

In the fatwa which Doctor Kadri is going to issue, it is stated that Islam forbids murder of innocent people and suicidal bombers. And though similar decisions were issued by many scholars, followers of Tahir Kadri say that his London fatwa goes further others.

They emphasize that in the document one after another are built theological arguments allowing the author to raze to the ground that rhetoric which ideologists of Al Qaeda use. Moreover, the fatwa presents serious theological challenge to those who hire the future suicidal bombers promising them inconceivable pleasures in the hereafter.

Over the document doctor Kadri worked within the last year when in Pakistan sharply increased the quantity of explosions organized by insurgents-Islamites.

Tahir Kadri has many followers on the native land, in Pakistan. Thus in the United Kingdom he, and his organization Munhaj al-Quran, until recently remained practically unknown.

Nowadays Munhaj already has 10 mosques in the British cities with the appreciable Muslim population. Representatives of the organization declare that they try to involve youth which, in their opinion, was disappointed in traditional religious leaders.

Let us remind, that the last year one of the most well-known Islamic clerics, the Supreme Mufti of Egypt Ali Gomaa, published fatwa in which he forbidden to Muslims to apply weapons of mass destruction.

The news original on the web-site of "Correspondent"

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