Today Muslims to Celebrate Mawlid - Birthday of Prophet Muhammad

Today Muslims to Celebrate Mawlid - Birthday of Prophet Muhammad
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"Facts and Comments", 26.02.2010

Mawlid - Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad - is an innovation in Islam, approved by Shariat. It started to be celebrated after the lapse of three centuries since appearing of Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 year in the Holy City of Makkah. This event, as it is stated by the interpreters of the Quran, took place on 12th of the third month of the lunar calendar, on Monday. The father of the Messenger of Allah died shortly before his birth. The angel informed Muhammad's mother Amina in her dream that she is pregnant with an unusual child. The birth of the Prophet was accompanied by many unusual events. For example, the fire of fire-worshippers which those supported for thousand years was extinguished. And the baby right after his births could lean against his hands and look at the sky.

During Mawlid (solemn actions in honor of this event will pass within a month) it is usual to gather for the Quran reading, to listen for stories about the significant events connected with the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, to distribute alms to the needy fellow brothers. After that the present are offered festive refreshments.

Article original on the web-site of "Facts and Comments"

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