In Crimea to Forbid Night Loud Azan Proclaiming

"Here azan is proclaimed for more than 20 years, and there were no such complaints, therefore there are no any problems with the population", A.Ismailov.
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In Crimea they call to forbid use of loud speaking equipments at azan reading at night as it creates high noise level beside a mosque and displeases local residents. Nina Berestan the chief of a site of municipal hygiene of sanitarian-epidemic station, informed on it in her interview to the New Channel.

"Nowadays in all mosques calls not muezzin, but the call to prayer sounds only through dynamics. Excess goes through dynamics, we brought an attention to the question, and in 2008 suggested to forbid using of loud speaking equipment at night", N.Berestan said.

Azan is proclaimed six times a day. For the call on approach of the time of an obligatory prayer, muezzin - the attendant of a mosque, rises on minaret gallery, faces towards Kaaba and, touching with thumbs of hands lobes of his ears, starts the call to prayer.

At the time of the Prophet Muhammad azan was read exclusively by force of one's own voice. With the development of science and techniques, to make azan be heard by greater quantity of Muslims, the loud speaking equipment started to be used for the call to prayer.

As the assistant to the Mufti of Muslims of Crimea Ayder Ismailov told to the television channel, "Before there were so many mosques, and there was no such an equipment. And consequently the Mullah rose on a minaret and read aloud. Nowadays there are very few mosques, and also there is development of science and techniques, therefore there is no need to rise on a minaret".

However according to Crimean non—Muslims who live nearby mosques, use of loudspeakers for reading azan at night and, especially, early in the morning, creates certain inconveniences.

"5am is a time for sleep. One wants to sleep so much. You wake up so, you shudder. Very loud penetrating sound. You wait until it will end. My grand daughter, they lived here two days, simply did not sleep, she was capricious, she woke up, and then she simply could not fall asleep again", the inhabitant of Simferopol Marina Kurnakova complains.

In the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Crimea they assure that there are no problems with local population. "Here azan is proclaimed for more than 20 years, and there were no such complaints, therefore there are no any problems with the population", A.Ismailov noted.

According to official measurements of sanitarian-epidemic station, the noise level beside the mosque reaches 80 decibels. And sanitary code establishes admissible noise level in the afternoon 40, and at night no more than 30 decibels. Moreover, according to the law, loud noise from 22pm to 7am is an administrative offence. At this time loud singing and shouts, and also using of loud speaker equipment is forbidden.

The question of call to prayer is successfully decided in Yalta where in a local mosque morning azan is read without application of loudspeakers – exclusively by live voice of a muezzin.

By the New Channel

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