Crimean Muftiyat keeps activating religious communities

Crimean Muftiyat keeps activating religious communities
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An enlarged conference of imams, heads of religious communities and members of local majlises of the Dzhurchy (Pervomaiske) region has taken place in the Culture Centre of the urban village of Dzhurchy on June 28.

The conference was attended by more than 50 people, including Mufti of Crimea hajji Emirali Ablaev, Assistant Mufti of Crimea Ayder Ismailov and the Head of the Dzhurchy regional majlis Refat Seitablaev.

The meeting discussed urgent problems in the Muslims society of Crimea and Dzhurchy region, in particular, appearance and activities of different religious sects.

Talking about the “second Muftiyat”, Emirali Ablaev noted that all religious communities need to work a lot to develop Islam in Crimea.

Participants of the conference have come to a decision on the need to fight against the movements and sects which spread a discord in the Crimean Tatar and Muslim communities.

“As in other regions of Crimea, a regional meeting in Dzhurchy was convened to optimise the work of religious figures and arrange a clear hierarchy. During the conference, it was also agreed to intensify efforts of village communities of imams,” stressed Assistant Mufti of Crimean Muslims Ayder Ismailov.

He stated that activities of different sects in the Muslim community of Crimea bring about a risk to lose Muslim traditions of Crimea established from time immemorial, as well as lead to the fact that Crimean Tatars become enemies to each other. This is caused by the wrong and distorted presentation of Islam in the Muslim society of Crimea.


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