Dzhuma-Dzhami should become the main uniting Mosque of Ukraine, – M.Dzhemilev

Dzhuma-Dzhami should become the main uniting Mosque of Ukraine, – M.Dzhemilev
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Dzhuma-Dzhami (the Cathedral Mosque) in Simferopol should become the main uniting mosque not only in Crimea, but also in Ukraine. It was declared by the leader of the Mejlis of the Crimean-Tatar people, Mustafa Dzhemilev, during the all-Crimea memorial service which took place on May, 18th, on the central square of Simferopol.

In the course of his performance, M.Dzhemilev named land area allocation under the building of the central mosque in the city as a "positive event" for the Crimean-Tatar people.

In particular, the leader of Milly Mejlis on behalf of all Crimean Tatars expressed sincere gratitude to the prime minister of the ARC, Vasily Dzharty, and the Constant representative of the President in Crimea, Vladimir Yatsuba, for their firm position in this point in question.

"These people not only restored justice in this issue, but also prevented large-scale conflict that ripened", M.Dzhemilev started.

"Now on the allocated ground area we should construct a fine mosque which should become an ornament and a symbol of an administrative centre of Crimea. It should become the main uniting mosque not only in Crimea, but also in Ukraine", he added.

The leader of the Medjlis recognized that this is a question of the expensive project on which building it is still necessary to find resources.

Thus, as he said, "it is very important that each our compatriot brought his contribution. After all, the mosque only then has the highest spiritual value when it is built by the believers, on their own means".

Let us remind, on February, 15th, this year on regular session of the Simferopol City Council by the majority of voices the deputies confirmed the land area for building of the Cathedral mosque in Yaltinskaya street, 22.

For acceptance of the given decision voted 71 deputies from 72 ones taking part in the voting.


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