Eid-al-Adha Celebrated In Ukraine By Both Adults And Children

After the prayer the children were happy to find entertainment and some treats, too.
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Festive prayers were held in many Ukrainian cities on October 15. The Muslims celebrated Eid-al-Adha not only at Mosques and Islamic Cultural Centres, but also on Stadiums. The believers, young and old, felt the grace and beauty of one of the two greatest Muslim feasts.

Muslims of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk, Odessa, Vinnytsya and many towns and cities in Crimea gathered at mosques for performing a collective prayer on the festive morning; many of them went to sacrifice an animal afterwards.

Thousands of Muslims living in Kyiv came to “Alraid” Islamic Cultural centre (being on its final stage of reconstruction) that morning. After the prayer the children were happy to find entertainment and some treats, too.

Citizens of Odessa rent the F.L.A.G. Stadium situated in Kosmonavtov Square for that purpose. More than 500 people prayed and praised Allah Almighty together. The men left for performing the sacrifice right after the prayer, so that the needy people could have their share in meat the very next morning. At the same time, the children were invited for a festive concert.

Mufti of RAMU “Umma” Sheikh Said Ismagilov reminded the believers of the true meaning of that fabulous day during his khutbah at Donetsk ICC. He peace, happiness, serenity in faith, brotherhood, God’s mercy and blessings, well-being and mutual understanding upon everyone. There were Holy Qur’an elocution, a-capella singing and dancing, and also children spouting poetry during the festive concert which took place after the prayer.

Muslims in Kharkiv and other cities treated everybody with sweets and held festive concerts that evening, where every child received sweets and gifts. On the following day, which was October 16, a feast for Muslim women took place at Kharkiv ICC.

The feast was remarkably celebrated in Crimea. In the morning, multiple Muslim inhabitants of the peninsula came to the mosques for a joint prayer. After that, people went to places of sacrifice and then attended their friends and relatives, presenting gifts and sharing festive mood.

Besides, the needy people can get their share of donated Eid meat at ICCs in different Ukrainian cities. The facilitators do their best so that the meat is handed to as many poor Muslims as possible, for providing them with a festive meal.

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