Head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis Mr. Refat Chubarov met AUASO "Alraid" Representatives

Head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis Mr. Refat Chubarov met AUASO "Alraid" Representatives
Head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis Mr. Refat Chubarov met AUASO "Alraid" Representatives
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A multilateral meeting of AUASO “Alraid” delegates with the newly elected Head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis Mr. Refat Chubarov took at the Mejlis Office place on Friday, November 29. Head of the AUASO “Alraid” Mr. Bassil Marrei, his deputy Mr. Ismail Qady, Deputu Head of “Alraid” Office in Crimea Mr. Amin Qasem and Head of the AUASO “Alraid” Revision Commission Mr. Seiran Arifov came to congratulate the new Head of Melis and discuss perspectives of the future cooperation.

The guests in their felicitations did not fail to mention the longstanding cooperation with Mejlis when the previous Head, Mr. Mustafa Dzhemilev, ran the office. “The Association highly appreciates our cooperation with the Crimean Tatar Mejlis in humanitarian sphere. We are looking forward for further joint implementation of common projects in Crimea in order to preserve the linguistic, cultural and religious identity of Crimean Tatars,” — Mr. Mareei said.

Issues of implementing “Alraid” projects that are to facilitate Crimean Muslims in their spiritual and cultural life were the ones of the most talked about. Refat-aga Chubarov was invited to attend the new mosque at Jaga Qushu (Okhotnikovo, Saqi disrtict) opening ceremony that is to take place at December 6, and join the local Muslims in their first Friday prayer in the new building.

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