Islamic Cultural Centre Inviting For The “East Fest”

East Fest
East Fest
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“East Fest”, a holiday aimed to demonstrate the variety of Oriental traditions and become another link uniting Ukrainians is to be held at Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre (25a Dehtyarivska Street) on August 23, 11 am — 4 pm. Learn the details on the Festival's Facebook.

 As told by Ms.Sabina Afzal, activist of Women’s Social Organisation “Maryam”, this will be the first festival in Kyiv to show all the beauty and intention of the oriental world unveiled.

— We’ll show what the “Oriental Mystery” is really about. It’s really important for us to tell people about Oriental Muslim traditions and customs, culture, religious practices. In such a polyethnic and polycultural country as Ukraine, with all its tolerance, we see no problems of good neighbourly relation between people of different ethnicities and religions, se no floating xenophobia or racism. However, such events as ours are necessary vaccination from such negative phenomenons. The more we know each other, the more we realise the depths of culture of those living near us, and the less reasons we have for fear, hostility and prejudice.

She also expressed her hope that the “East Fest” helps Kyiv citizens and guests of the city dispel popular myths and prejudice about Islam and Muslims.

According to Ms.Afzal, they are preparing a diverse and interesting programme for the guests. There will be handmade and paintings of famous artists, master-classes on Mehndi and beard care. And a fair, of course, where oriental cuisine will be available. You can buy souvenirs, perfume, jewelry, arts and crafts items, handmade. Everyone willing can have their picture in one of the Muslim people’s traditional clothing or at tintamarresque.

Besides, there’ll be an interesting quest for all the participant and children’s contests.

And, of course, “East Fest” at Kyiv ICC will introduce Islam, tell about the basis of that religion and Muslim Sacred places. Two lessons on that topic are to be illustrated with numerous photos.

They chose a symbolic date for the Fest, August 23 — National Flag day on the threshold of Independence Day of August 24.

— People of many ethnicities and religious views live freely under the blue-and-yellow-banner, they study, fall in love, get married and have children. Thus, having our Fest on the Flag Day is our tribute to one of Ukraine’s State Symbols.

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