Issue of Freedom of Worship Maintenance remains without Attention of Representatives of Authorities

Issue of Freedom of Worship Maintenance remains without Attention of Representatives of Authorities
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The International Scientific Conference "Freedom of religion and inter-religious dialogue: global measurements and local displays" which took place on May, 20-21th, in the Great conference hall of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was ignored by the basic target audience - representatives of the central authorities and mass-media.

For discussion of the pressing questions of inter-religious dialogue and interaction of the state and religious communities were invited the best experts of scientific institutions of Ukraine and the visitors from foreign countries (the USA, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus), and also representatives of the authorities, the religious organizations (Christian churches, representatives of religious communities of Muslims and Jews), and social organizations.

For discussion of the pressing questions of inter-religious dialogue and interaction of the state and religious communities were invited the best experts of scientific institutions of Ukraine and the visitors from foreign countries (the USA, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus), and also representatives of the authorities, the religious organizations (Christian churches, representatives of religious communities of Muslims and Jews), and social organizations.
Muslims of Ukraine were represented by the Mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah", Said Ismagilov, and the head of the Information Department of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid", Oleg Guzik.

Unfortunately, despite representative structure and the international status, the invited officials of the supreme bodies of the government and of some mass-media did not visit the conference that is a disturbing signal of rupture between scientists and the power, and also a sign of inattention of authorities to problems of various faiths, especially religious minority.

Reserved surprise by such state of affairs was stated in a lobby by visitors from the European countries where cooperation of public authorities with experts of concrete areas became a widespread practice for a long time.

Within the limits of the conference were discussed issues of mutual relation of freedom of religions and public sphere (policy, culture, mass media, civil society), roles of inter-religious dialogue in upholding of freedom of worship and belief, religious minority in the conditions of religious freedom, and also legal problems of realization and protection of freedom of religion.

The President of the Ukrainian Association of Theologians, Anatoly Nikolaevich Kolodny, in his performance paid attention of the gathered that in the country there is a tendency of occurrence of an exclusive church to the detriment of the principle of equality of various faiths. The head of the board of the Institute of Religious Freedom, Alexander Vasilevich Zayets, giving the characteristic of the basic tendencies of mutual relations of the state and religious communities of various creeds on the territory of Ukraine, noticed that till 2010 in the country the high standard concerning freedom of worship was supported. However, - he emphasized, - since 2010 there is noticed turning of the inter-confessional dialogue at the highest level (except for the UOCh MP).

The State Committee on Religions was liquidated, and also a number of decisions on the issues concerning activity of the religious organizations without consultations of representatives of faiths were accepted.

Therefore at present the key question in the sphere of maintenance of freedom of worship, and also adjustment of stable and fruitful cooperation between the state and religious communities is dialogue renewal between the President and representatives of faiths of Ukraine.


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