In Kiev Took Place Family Seminar "Blossoming Garden of Good Family"

"Relations between spouses in a Muslim family are built on the basis of mutual love, respect and mercy. The Quran teaches that these qualities are given to people only by Allah and consequently even matrimonial love should be in Allah and for the sake of Allah", Tareq Sarhan noticed.
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In view of serious problems of the modern society the issue of relations in a family becomes more and more sharp and requiring decision. The all-Ukraine Committee Concerning Family and Women of the Association "Аlraid" initiated carrying out of family seminars. In Kiev the Social Organization "An-Nur" and the Female Social Organization "Maryam" realized this action on February, 28th. The seminar structure was made by lectures and a training that promoted practical fastening of the received knowledge and reminders.

It is not the first action of this kind, but the training was its essential difference from the previous ones. On a question, what purposes organizers put before themselves, we received an answer that first of all they aspired to raise spirituality of families, to acquaint Muslim families and through creation of unusual conditions not peculiar to an everyday life of families, to rally them more and to remind them that they are one team. And according to the chairman of the AUASO "Alraid" Ismail Kadi, the seminar was organized to help Muslim families living among non-Muslims.

Relations between spouses in Islam are built according to the Divine prescription, "And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect. " (The Holy Quran, 30:21) The family can blossom, like a garden, bear fruits, combine pleasures with spiritual enrichment if it is united by worship to Allah the Almighty that is the paramount purpose of creation of a family in Islam.

"Relations between spouses in a Muslim family are built on the basis of mutual love, respect and mercy. The Quran teaches that these qualities are given to people only by Allah and consequently even matrimonial love should be in Allah and for the sake of Allah. One should love a person for his qualities and virtues, and in this case the faith is the reliable basis, allowing to avoid fast disappointment and fading of mutual interest to each other", Tareq Sarhan, the head of the department of Islamic culture of the Social Organisation "An-Nur", noticed, discussing the purposes of a family creation.

The second lecturer — the member of the all-Ukraine Committee Concerning Family and Women Wael Ismail Al-Behesi paid attention to the example of relations in a family, left to us by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). After all to build relations according to the Holy Scripture, by Will of the Almighty, where everyone knows his rights and obligations, helps a family to get stronger and to avoid misunderstanding and conflicts.


The practical part of the seminar started with actual reminders how to strengthen mutual relations in a family of believers. In the training which was carried out by the Imam of the mosque at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Kiev, Sheikh Imad, married couples could define position of their mutual relations and a way of their improvement. Before spouses there was a task to find practical answers to questions: How a husband can improve the relation to his wife? How a wife can improve the relation to her husband? How to solve problems in common, thus what role of a wife and what of a husband in decision of these problems? Certainly, all answers were interesting and individual so that for organizers it was difficult to define the best married couple. And maybe it was planned so, that everyone considered himself a winner.

Lively and easy atmosphere remaining throughout the whole seminar, equally impressed all the present, whose experience of married life made from several months to tens years. One Muslim woman, who is married for 15 years, noticed that it seemed to her that she knows everything about family life and problems arising between spouses, however, when others expressed themselves, she had what to recollect, analyze and modify her views.

It proves that the action was actual and that the purpose of organizers was reached.

Staff reporter.

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