Kyiv Muslim Women Carry On Helping People Affected By ATO

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Female Muslim volunteers gathered once again at Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre this Saturday in order to bring the food each of them cooked that morning to Kyiv Military Hospital and treat the soldiers wounded in the ATO zone.

Cutlets, rise, meat chunks, butter, — and rolled pancakes stuffed with jam, cheesecakes for dessert. “Tea-party kit” was completed with some fresh lemons. 
All the dishes were cooked in the very same morning, and the main course was still hot, as the woman who cooked it put the food in a hot box to make sure the soldiers are fed with fresh food, not rechauffe. They also collected and sent a package for the 93 mechanized  brigade, “Alraid” press-service reports.

Besides, they delivered a fully-packed pick-up of warm clothes and footwear collected and sorted by activists of Women’s Social Organisation “Maryam” to Reception Station for helping the internally displaced people (9/11 Frolivska Str.)

RAMU “Umma”, along with “Maryam”, continue collecting things for the resettled people at Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre. All the collected Items will be sorted and, when the stock is big enough, delivered to 9/11 Frolivska Str.

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