Lieutenant General of SSU: Islam has no Relation to Terrorism

"Islam - the world religion, which in itself has no relation to terrorism. Simply ideologists of terrorism learnt to use criminally its certain positions in their own purposes", Krutov explained
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One of the stereotypes preventing struggle against terrorism, is the false belief about attachment of terrorism to Islam. About it in his interview to magazine "Editor-in-chief" was declared by the lieutenant general of the SSU, Vasily Krutov - one of the most competent domestic experts in issues of state security and especially - struggle against terrorism.

"Islam - the world religion, which in itself has no relation to terrorism. Simply ideologists of terrorism learnt to use criminally its certain positions in their own purposes. And ideologists of antiterrorism did not learn to work in this environment yet", Krutov explained.

Speaking about prevention of attraction of representatives of Islamic minority of the European countries to the terrorist organizations, V.Krutov, in particular, noted, "Muslim youth in Europe lives in condition of a constant cultural shock. It is necessary not to allow to terrorists to use this chance. It is necessary, that young men felt not a sawn-off part of a society, but the European Muslims.

Certain share of fault for successes of ideologists of modern international terrorism, in particular in population intimidation, the lieutenant general of the SSU assigns to mass-media which, as he said, in one-sided way understand their role in similar conflicts and "often disclose that what should not be put in consciousness of people".

Weakness of modern world system of struggle against terrorism V.Krutov sees in elevation to its actions of military men and scouts. "Counteraction should be based, except special measures, on actions of foreign policy, organizational-legal, social and economic, information, humanitarian, educational. There should be complex approach directed first of all on prevention of terrorism, and not just on struggle against its consequences. And it, as it is known, cannot be made by forces of only one state machinery. Joining of the public and non-governmental organizations having huge, however the underestimated potential is also required", the expert considers.

In Ukraine there are no terrorist organizations

The expert on state security informed that in Ukraine there are no reasons to speak about presence of terrorist threat. In the state there are no terrorist organizations, but, as he said, there are many their supporters. The security service of Ukraine and the antiterrorist centre at the SSU fix them and trace. "We created effective enough system of prevention, revealing and counteraction to terrorist displays. We have quite good legal maintenance of this activity: the law "About struggle against terrorism" from 2003 and article 258 of the Criminal code, which norm was expanded in 2006", V.Krutov stated.

Moreover, Ukraine is the participant of all of 13 conventions on counteraction to terrorism, co-operates with counterterrorist committee of the United Nations, with all European structures of this kind of activity and the Antiterrorist centre of the CIS.

Among factors that pose threat of terrorism in Ukraine the expert named imperfection of the Ukrainian legislation concerning migratory processes and high level of criminalization, especially in the sphere of economic relations, in particular raidering, which, as he said, is "specific Ukrainian terrorist display". Besides, terrorist threat is also posed by some Ukrainian politicians, especially bright and dangerous example of that is creation of artificial opposition between the West and the East.

By "Editor-in-chief"

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