Majlis calls China to settle conflict peacefully with Uyghurs

Majlis calls China to settle conflict peacefully with Uyghurs
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The situation in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region of China (XUARC), particularly the situation of the Uyghur people was discussed at the meeting of the Presidium of the Majlis of Crimean Tatar people yesterday, July 13, in Simferopil.

This news was reported to QHA by the press service of the Majlis.

It should be noted that in the XUARC where massive protest actions of Uyghur population in the protection of their rights held, and that suppressed brutally with use of weapons by authorities, the state emergency was declared and more troops were brought.
As victims of collision with troops and provocation provoked that led to pogroms by ethnic origin, became thousands of civilians.

Incoming information testifies of repression expansion against the Muslim population in Urumqi and other parts of the XUARC. The authorities forcibly closed down mosques, made mass arrests of civilians.

In order to avoid large-scale humanitarian catastrophe, the World Uyghur Congress appealed to the European Union to send urgently observers to the Xinjiang Uyghur autonomy. The Congress also called the world community to condemn the ‘inhuman crimes of the Chinese government’.

Current events are the result of long-term discriminatory policy of official Beijing in relation of the indigenous people of the XUARC, firstly characterizes on purposeful ‘Chinaization’ its territory by artificially changing the demographic and ethnic composition of the autonomy.

Since 1950 and until today, government policy of mass resettlement of ethnic Chinese to the autonomous region is held and at the same time Uyghur girls and boys removal to the hinterland of China. In order to expedite the Uyghurs assimilation the primary education given for their children only in Chinese and, in recent years, implementation of family planning policy by the authorities allows to a family to have no more than one child.

In connection with the situation, threatening the future fate of the distinctive Uyghur people, the Majlis Presidium has called the Government of People's Republic of China and all sides that involved to the opposition, to deny using force and begin to settle the conflict through dialogue and agreements on the basis of international act on the people’s right to the self-determination.


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