Ministry of Culture of Ukraine highly appreciated Islamic Conference in Kiev

Guests and participants of the conference.
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The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine in the name of the first deputy of the minister Yury Bogutsky highly appreciated work of the International scientific conference "Islam in Europe: yesterday, today, tomorrow", which took place on March, 30th, in the Islamic Social Cultural Centre of Kiev. About it is stated in the official greeting of the Ministry addressed to the participants of the action.

Having noticed that Ukraine long time ago became the hospitable house for many people and ethnoses which traditionally practice Islam, in the Ministry it was emphasized that comprehension of responsibility for well-being and peace in this home "makes inseparable our democratic advancement from universal democratic process".

Addressing the participants of the conference, Yu.Bogutsky noticed that the creative plot of this authoritative international forum "will promote the subsequent mutual enrichment of different national cultures and spiritual traditions in all their completeness and perfection".

"Nowadays each of us and all of us in particular, we have the bases to be proud of the variety of national cultures and religious traditions, which became our common national property and our inheritance which should be preserved and increased", he added.

The Ministry assured that the Ukrainian state persistently makes efforts for creation of the most favorable conditions for expansion of spiritually and socially significant activity by Muslim religious institutions.

Having congratulated on carrying out of "this important action in scientific and religious life of Ukraine", the Ministry of Culture wished its participants powerful creative achievements, successes and personal fulfillments in the field of scientific searches and religious researches.

Staff reporter.

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