Muslims of Crimea are in Search of Identity, — Mufti of SMMU "Ummah"

Collision of Islamic ideas in Crimea will end sooner or later, and the settled community of Muslims will be generated, the Mufti Said Ismagilov is assured
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According to the Mufti of the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah", Said Ismagilov, nowadays Muslims of Crimea lack accurate understanding of their own self-identity.

"Self-identity is how Muslims, if to speak about them, see themselves, how they see the way, the place and principles", S.Ismagilov in the comment to the agency e-Crimea, explained.

The Mufti connects it, in particular, with the fact, that among adherents of Islam both in Crimea, and in Ukraine as a whole, there are different directions, different views. "They are views at the doctrine and Islamic practice, philosophical, political views and many other things", he explained.

At the same time, S.Ismagilov confirms, in Crimea the situation nevertheless differs from the rest of Ukraine.

"In Crimea the situation is very difficult. If in the rest of Ukraine, Muslims, after independence proclamation, actually began to write their history from the blank leaf, in Crimea everything is absolutely different. Here, on the one hand, thanks to efforts of the senior generation, autochthonic Crimean Islamic identity as the part of Muslims of Crimea, first of all, considering the Crimean Tatars, respects the traditions which developed throughout centuries, and aspires to save them. On the other hand, among young Muslims there is an idea that everything became outdated and it is necessary to reform something somehow. Thus one suggest to attain to the level of only some Muslim countries, and others — to absolutely different ones", the Mufti of the SMMU stated.

Thus, according to S.Ismagilov, in Crimea "everything is as in the big copper" — there is a set of various ideologies and religious-political groups, "each of them offering the vision of what Muslims of Crimea should be ".

Nevertheless, the Mufti is assured, collision of Islamic ideas in Crimea will end sooner or later, and the settled community of Muslims will be generated.

"Identity will be necessarily generated, but to accurately realize, what Muslims of Crimea should be, is needed not one tens of years. There should grow one, two, three generations. Between various directions sooner or later there will be consensus — everybody need to live and to exist", S.Ismagilov concluded.

By e-Crimea

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