Muslims of Kiev Carried out Round Table "Islam without Borders"

The facts shown by lecturers, testified that Islam extended peacefully, displaying tolerance to the people, entering into the Islamic state.
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On Sunday, March 21, in the Islamic Cultural Centre took place the cultural-informative round table "Islam without Borders" with participation of University students. The action was organized and carried out by the members of the Female Committee of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Alraid".

To analyze the full picture of the statement of Islam in various places of the world, the topic was divided into 3 parts: Islam in Asia, Africa and Europe. Each of lecturers presented a material in such a manner that by means of presentations and scenes, listeners got possibility to mentally visit that time when Islam just arose on this or that continent.

The present learnt many new and interesting facts about which they did not know before. Many at all did not suspect that Islam in the southeast part of Asia, Indonesia and Malaysia spread through Muslim merchants who fairly traded, adhered to all contracts, according to the norms of Islam and possessed high morals.

The facts shown by lecturers, testified that Islam extended peacefully, displaying tolerance to the people, entering into the Islamic state. And the one, who practiced a different religion, could be in perfect security, being sure that nobody will harm him. For example, in Jerusalem there lived representatives of Judaism and Christianity. When the Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab was handed keys from the Holy city, he at once ordered to protect all relics belonging to representatives of other faiths.

Islam came to the Europeans through their interest to science. During the early period of the Middle Ages in the Islamic Caliphate lived well-known scientists, thinkers and explorers. The exact sciences – algebra (from the Arabic "al-jabr" - reunion), chemistry, astronomy were developed especially well. Many rich Europeans sent their children for study to well-known Muslim scientists. Later in Andalusia, on the territory of the modern Spain, there were opened schools-medrese and universities where Europeans studied writing, got acquainted with discoveries and achievements. It promoted penetration of Islam on the territory of the old continent.

Considering huge interest to Islamic history, its culture and traditions from the present, organizers decided to organize similar meetings traditionally, each time choosing a new topic for discussion.


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