"Nasha Ryaba": Halal High-Quality Chicken Meat Is Accessible Now in All Ukrainian Supermarkets

"Nasha Ryaba": Halal High-Quality Chicken Meat Is Accessible Now in All Ukrainian Supermarkets
"Nasha Ryaba": Halal High-Quality Chicken Meat Is Accessible Now in All Ukrainian Supermarkets
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The ICC "Alraid" made new agreement with the known manufacturer of chicken meat "Nasha Ryaba"

Kiev. - Muslims of Ukraine have a possibility to buy chicken meat which meets the requirements of "halal" standard in any city of the country.

Earlier Muslims of Ukraine could buy such meat only in specialized shops in big cities or places of compact residing of Muslims. Now thanks to the agreement which was concluded by the ICC "Alraid" with the manufacturer of chicken meat "Nasha Ryaba", halal chicken meat is accessible in all shops which are engaged in realization of production of the ТМ "Nasha Ryaba".

In certification of products permitted for consumption by Muslims are engaged competent bodies. As it is specified by the web-site halal.in.ua, the usage of "halal" standard in trade marks and commercial names is regulated by the special international code.

Such production will be designated by a special code "DERZHVETNAGLYAD" (23-07-32); for details see the photo below. This code, and also the specified point of production ("Mironivska ptahofabryka", Cherkasy region, Kanivsky area, Stepantsi village) will show that the product corresponds to the norms of Shariat and is suitable for use by Muslims, even at absence on it of marks of "Halal" and the logo of "Alraid".

For additional information call: +38(044) 490-99-00.

A Muslim always pays considerable attention to food he consumes, after all requirements to it are set by the Almighty in the Holy Book - the Quran. For this reason the possibility to get chicken meat "halal" is so important for the followers of Islam in Ukraine.

By halal.in.ua

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