A new mosque has opened in Crimea which was the first this year

A new mosque has opened in Crimea which was the first this year
A new mosque has opened in Crimea which was the first this year
This is the first mosque on the peninsula that was opened in 2014.
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The residents of the village Tutove, located in Crimea, Dzhankoiskiy region, at last have received their own mosque. Renovation and reconstruction works of the old building lasted approximately one year.

Now this building has finally turned into mosque. The residents of the village Tutove, representatives of the local authorities and representatives of Religious Administration of the Muslims of Crimea were present at the opening ceremony of the prayer hall.

The main initiator and mediator between the sponsor and local community was the Social Organisation “Creation” (“Sozidanie”).

During speeches, guests congratulated the Muslims of the village with the holiday and reminded them about their responsibility that the mosque never in future be empty.

Located inside the new mosque there are prayer halls for both men and women as well as rooms for various topics of religious education. In addition the minaret and placement for ablution facilities were built in the courtyard. The prayer hall can hold a capacity in total up to 150 believers. In the near future RAMC (Religious Administration of the Muslims of Crimea) will appoint an imam to work at this mosque.

It is worth noting that this is the first mosque on the peninsula to be opened during 2014. Last year approximately 10 new mosques were built in Crimea with assistance from various funds and sponsors.

Staff reporter

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