OIC Appeared for Defense of Islamic Holy Places on the Crimean Peninsula

In April 2008, vandals overturned about 40 grave stones in the Muslim cemetery in Chisten'koye village, Crimea
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Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) condemned desecration of Islamic holy places and temples in the Crimean peninsula and demanded that the Ukrainian authorities would take urgent action against individuals who encroach on the holy places of Islam, states Islam for all with the reference to the Emirates' news agency VAM.

In April, 2008, vandals overturned about 40 grave stones in the Muslim cemetery in Chisten'koye village, Crimea. Vandals wrote on the cemetery fence "Get out of the Crimea, you, Tatars" and draw gallows.

In February, 2008, vandals overturned and crashed more than 200 burial stones in the Muslim cemetery in Nizhnegorsky village in the North-Eastern Crimea. On the fact of vandalism was a criminal case, reports RIA Novosti.

The representative of the OIC in his statement made on Tuesday in Jeddah, expressed his concern on "escalation of illegal actions against the holy places of Islam and Muslim temples in the Crimean peninsula".

He emphasized the inadmissibility of "destruction and desecration by extremist elements of mosques, gravestones and plaques of well-known Tatar Islamic activists in the cities of the peninsula" and called these actions "unfortunate, unacceptable and dangerous for the harmonious development of civil society".

The statement emphasizes the "necessity to take immediate action by Ukrainian authorities against the individuals performing shameful extremist acts and to stop these actions", states the agency.

By Islam for All

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