Polatava Muslims Took Part in Action Dedicated to Propagation of Healthy Life Style

"Islam especially pays attention to a human body and organism, and forbids to harm it", Dr. Mohammed, a physician explained to students.
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The Poltava Social Organization "Al-Gouda" which unites muslims of the region, took part in the action "Propagation of a healthy lifestyle". Participants of the action, namely, social organizations of Poltava, held cultural meetings at city schools on purpose to explain to teenagers harm of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes and to warn against bad habits.

In one of local schools the chairman of "Al-Gouda" Mohammed Al-Shrafi shared with students the view of Islam on bad habits. "Islam especially pays attention to a human body and organism, and forbids to harm it. If to take alcohol, drugs or to smoke cigarettes since childhood it will negatively affect your development and it can be reflected further on all your life", Dr. Mohammed, a physician, noticed.

To one of the questions of students how to protect oneself from harm Dr. Mohammed answered that it is necessary to try to occupy oneself with something useful. "You in your age have a lot of energy, try to direct it to the necessary channel. Do not miss lessons at school, visit sports and creative sections, and then you will have no time to think about something bad. It is a major principle of a healthy way of life".

In the end, the visitor told about the activity of the Social Organization "Al-Gouda" and invited all interested to take part in the actions directed on education of healthy and strong teenagers.

Inquiry. Social Organization "Al-Gouda" (Shine) enters to the All-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations.

By arraid.org

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