Professional Courses for Muslims destroy Stereotypes about Islam

After graduation from the courses, students receive the certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
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Opening of professional female courses in the Islamic Cultural Centre in Crimea became the first of a number of projects of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" directed on support of Muslims, wishing to be an active part of a society and overcoming of existing stereotypes about a woman in Islam.

A modern woman strives to take of an active vital position: to get education, to find job and to make a career.

"Islam at all does not restrict rights of Muslim women as they say that a woman in Islam is a housewife and her status does not let her generally to plan independently on the future", states the Association and prove their words by actions.

Free training passes until 2 years, depending on the chosen trade. The majority strive to become seamstresses. Also the Crimean Muslims have a possibility to receive a profession of a hairdresser, a cook or to learn elements of work on the computer.

Nadzhie Murtazaeva dreamt to sew things for her family for a long time, and already now her dream became close to reality.

Highly skilled teachers daily with the great pleasure come to the Islamic Cultural Centre, aspiring to pass on their experience to their students; after all, as they said, for them all conditions for effective training are created.

After passage of courses, students receive the certificate recognized at the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

Authors of the project are assured that courses will help to disclose to girls their talent, and hope that in the near future the clothes of Muslim designers become claimed and popular in the multinational Ukrainian society.


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