In Simferopol Took Place Conference Dedicated to Origin of Islam in Crimea

In Simferopol Took Place Conference Dedicated to Origin of Islam in Crimea
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On March, 24th, in the Islamic Cultural Centre of Simferopol took place a conference under the title "Culture and life of the Crimean Khanate", dedicated to the history of origin and development of the Crimean Khanate and Islam in Crimea. The action was carried out by the Social Organization "Amal" with support of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid".

The conference passed within the frameworks of the program "National cultural revival" and was the first in the series of meetings, connected with culture, poetry, creativity, life and spirituality of the Crimean-Tatar people which is planned to be carried out regularly in the future with participation of different representatives of the Crimean-Tatar elite.

To participation in the conference were invited well-known scholars specializing on the issues of history and culture of the Crimean Khanate and experts in the field of political science. In the action, which passed in the format of a "round table" participated students of the Crimean universities and representatives of mass-media.

The first spoke Eldar Seydametov, the candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer of the chair of history of the CEPU, with the report on the topic "Islam on the territory of Crimea and Khazar Kaganate". Eldar Alimovich in his performance emphasized important points and events, which made a decisive impact on Islam distribution on the territories of modern Ukraine. "I long thought, what report to present today, and as a result I decided to tell about the origin of Islam", the lecturer said.

The expert in the history of the Crimean Khanate, candidate of philology, working for degree of doctor in the Institute of Literature of T.G. Shevchenko (Kiev) Nariman Seityagyaev in his report "Preconditions of appearing of Islam on the territories of Crimea and prominent features of its distribution" focused attention on spirit of tolerance, characteristic for the Crimean society of that period.

Moreover, with her report on the topic "Importance of return to the cultural bases" spoke Elmira Muratova, the candidate of political sciences, the senior lecturer of the chair of political science of the TNU. Elmira Serverovna in her performance emphasized importance of carrying out of similar actions with youth attraction that the young generation joined to its cultural and spiritual wealth.

With last report on the topic "Importance of knowledge for nation revival" spoke the vice-president of the AUASO "Alraid" in Crimea, the expert on Islamic right, Seyran Arifov. Using the texts of the Holy Quran, Seyran Osmanovich paid attention of the audience that the very first order, from all 114 verses of the Quran, was a word "Read", that is "Learn, study!" Following these prescriptions, our ancestors built the unique civilization which gave to the world a set of discoveries.

After the reading of the reports, there was a time for an interactive dialogue. Possibility to ask questions was given to listeners and visitors of the conference, on which the lecturers answered with pleasure.

"Against the inconsistent information about culture and life of the Crimean Tatars, both among fellow citizens, and among Muslims, these meetings help to familiarize more close with centuries-old culture of inhabitants of Crimea", Arifov noted in conference summarizing.

Except scientifically-educational part of the action, there was also a cultural-entertaining. Representatives of the Crimean-Tatar national school of the town of Azovskoye (Dzhankoysky area), Rean Kadyrov and Ramzan Zakirov sang beautiful national songs on the Crimean-Tatar language.

Staff reporter

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