In State Committee on Religions Took Place Session of Council of Representatives of Spiritual Managements and Centers of Muslims of Ukraine

In State Committee on Religions Took Place Session of Council of Representatives of Spiritual Managements and Centers of Muslims of Ukraine
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In the State committee of Ukraine on affairs of nationalities and religions took place a session of Council of representatives of Spiritual Managements and Centers of Muslims of Ukraine on April, 20th, 2010.

During the session the participants summed up the Council activity for a year from the moment of its creation, discussed pressing questions connected with the organization of Hajj of the current year, and also analyzed experience of the organization of similar journeys in previous years. In this context the Chairman of the State committee of Ukraine on affairs of nationalities and religions Yury Reshetnikov noticed that participation of official delegation of Muslims of Ukraine in Hajj is "not only an issue of spiritual measurement, but also presentation of our country at the international level". Also Yu.Reshetnikov emphasized that the Committee is interested and will assist the further expansion of activity of the Council.

Present representatives of Spiritual Managements and Centers of Muslims of Ukraine once again emphasized openness of the activity and easy approach to participation in work of the Council of all Muslim organizations of Ukraine.

In the session participated the heads of the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Crimea, the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah", the Religious Management of Independent Muslim Communities of Ukraine "Kiev Muftiyat", the chairman of the State committee of Ukraine on affairs of nationalities and religions, Yury Reshetnikov, the vice-president of the State committee of Ukraine on affairs of nationalities and religions, Nikolay Novichenko, other ranking officers of the Committee.

Inquiry: According to the charter, the Council is the voluntary representative, advisory body of Muslims of Ukraine, formed for the purpose of assistance to the development of the Muslim Ummah, as all-Ukraine and regional community of communities of Muslims of Ukraine, strengthening of mutual understanding and respect between all Muslim organizations of Ukraine, interaction and dialogue coordination between Spiritual Managements and Centers of Muslims of Ukraine with public authorities.

The main tasks of the Council are representation of interests of citizens of Ukraine which are practicing Islam, assistance to maintenance of their rights and maintenance of the account of opinion of the Muslim organizations of Ukraine in the course of preparation and acceptance by state governing bodies of Ukraine of decisions on the issues, concerning religious life of citizens of Ukraine.

By the site of the State committee of Ukraine on affairs of nationalities and religions

Related Links:

Interview of Crimean Mufti on Creation of Council of Representatives of Spiritual Managements and Centers of Muslims of Ukraine

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