In Ukraine took place Cycle of Seminars on Islam

Increase of level of religious literacy among Muslims of Ukraine was the task of seminars
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In April, the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah" together with all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" carried out a cycle of seminars devoted to issues of Islamic dogma (aqida), ideology, ethics and spiritual component of Islam. Meetings passed in mosques and Islamic Cultural Centers of Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk, Vinnitsa, Zaporozhye, Sumy, Poltava and Lvov.

Increase of level of religious literacy among Muslims of Ukraine was the task of the seminars. We tried to inform listeners about Islamic doctrine "firsthand" that is from the Imams having the higher theological education. For this purpose we involved Imams of our mosques — in the past graduates of Islamic universities. Each of them conducted lectures and meetings in a non-native for them city. Not a secret that the audience perceives a new person better. For example, Seyran Arifov, the vice-president of the AUASO "Alraid" in Simferopol, delivered lectures in Kiev, and Rustam Husnutdinov, the Imam-hatyb from Donetsk, — in Zaporozhye.

"We were once again convinced in necessity of live dialogue, meetings with Muslims on places. Only in that way it is possible to learn by what people live, what problems and needs they have and answer their questions. It gives a chance to estimate a situation and to direct our efforts there where it is necessary most of all", the Mufti of the SMMU "Ummah" Said Ismagilov stated.

"I personally visited Lvov and Vinnitsa and I can precisely tell that if in the East and the South of the country Muslims, owing to that that they are more numerous, and they are for long time busy with arrangement of their religious life, have mosques, cemeteries and necessary infrastructure, communities of the Western areas are in formation stage", he added.

The Mufti said that old men complain that youth does not associate itself with Islamic tradition, and see the reason of it in the absence of the qualified Imams, mosques, and also in the wrong information about Islam in mass-media.

As it showed experience of organizers, Muslims in different cities of Ukraine very much need carrying out of similar meetings.

Alena, a Muslim woman, shared her impressions of the action: "The seminar impressed me much. Lecture of Ismail Kady about history of building and advantages of Al-Aksa mosque in Jerusalem very interesting. After all, Al-Aksa mosque is the third relic of Muslims, qibla in the first years of spread of Islam, place of rise of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Therefore its value for Muslims of the whole world cannot be underestimated".

The visitor of the seminar noted that the lectures of Seyran Arifov were useful to new Muslims. "He specified examples from life of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) which we should use in our everyday life, acquainting people with Islam", she said.

A Muslim from Kiev, Oleg, added that Arifov explained some aspects of the call, "in particular he told how correctly to place priorities and thus not to wallow in vanity of this life, not to forget about the purpose of our existence, and to look at all events in the light of the Judgment Day".

Oleg also remembered the lecture about tests which daily should face believers. Whatever happens, a Muslim should adequately face any situation, always relying only on Allah as it was done by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)".


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