A.Ismailov: Muslim Clothes is Religious Instruction

The clothes which Muslim women should wear, are prescribed in the Quran, and also mentioned in statements of the Prophet Muhammad, therefore it is a religious law for Muslims
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After the parliamentary committee in France recommended forbidding to French Muslim women to wear a yashmak in official establishments, politicians joined the discussion in the country. Left parties opposed such attempts of the state regulation of fashion. The doctor of theology, the assistant to the Mufti of Crimea Ayder Ismailov told to the BBC how actual the problem of clothes is for the Ukrainian Muslim women.

Bogdan Tsupin started the conversation with a question, what does he think of the decision of the French parliament.

Ayder Ismailov: Yes, actually, similar cases already took place in a number of other countries of Europe, and this problem or this question is discussed already for long time. I consider that the clothes which Muslim women should wear are prescribed in the Quran, i.e. the Holy Scripture of Muslims, and also mentioned in statements of the Prophet Muhammad, therefore it is the religious instruction for Muslims. I tell it only to make you understand that here there is no political component.

BBC: But in the different countries and cultures there are different requirements to clothes?

Ayder Ismailov: Yes, you truly noticed that it is necessary to distinguish cultural traditions which developed in this or that territory, in this or that society, and religious instructions.

Religious instructions demand from women to cover all parts of body, except hands and face, and the clothes should not be tight or revealing. This is all, and the rest, such as colour or style, depends on tradition. Certainly, Islam does not demand from women to wear only black, Islam does not demand to cover a face, it is the tradition factor.

BBC: How difficult is it, to integrate into Europe to those who rigidly follow Islamic requirements?

Ayder Ismailov: Rigidity can be interpreted differently. The difficulty is, in my opinion, not in Islam, but in different understanding of the believers. For example, in Saudi Arabia it can be a bit different, than, say, in Turkey, or in Crimea, or among the Muslims of Ukraine. Therefore the concept of rigidity is very relative.

BBC: But we speak about Europe where on the general background people in Muslim clothes differ from others.

Ayder Ismailov: I would consider it from a little bit different point of view. Probably yes, this fashion is not characteristic for Europe as a whole, but all depends on private judgments of people. After all when we see, for example, people in extravagant clothes which differ from others, we respect their choice if it does not contradict the standard principles of morals. Here much depends on the state and a news media which should soften the general relation of people and learn them not to focus excessive attention, in particular, on clothes of Muslim women.

BBC: How the situation in Ukraine, in particular in Crimea is? Will there be more women in Muslim clothes?

Ayder Ismailov: I think, this should be the personal choice of each person - to put on that or this clothes. As, actually, to follow the Quranic instructions is also a personal choice of each person.

BBC: Will you urge to follow instructions more?

Ayder Ismailov: There are accurate instructions of religion defined in the Quran. Certainly, our duty is the explanation of requirements of Islam to Muslims. The same as Christian clerics explain Christianity, or rabbis - Judaism. The main thing is to keep respect to other faiths.


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