Chairman of AUASO "Alraid": "Joint Iftars in Ramadan — more than just Meal"

Chairman of AUASO "Alraid": "Joint Iftars in Ramadan — more than just Meal"
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Collective iftars, arranged by Muslims of Ukraine, is not just eating after abstention from food in the day-time. Here also enter various actions directed on strengthening of faith; getting knowledge on Islam; and also charity lessons.

The similar program is realized for tens thousand Muslims of Ukraine living in different regions and cities: collective iftars are carried out in the Islamic cultural centers, social and religious organizations, mosques and prayer rooms. Frequency of carrying out varies depending on possibilities of a local community: from several times a week to daily joint iftars.

The Chairman of the AUASO "Alraid", Doctor Ismail Kady, told about events by which Muslims of Ukraine fill Ramadan.

Faith, culture and appeal

The most sated and various is cultural-educational and charitable program on the Crimean peninsula: after all there compactly lives the greatest quantity of Muslims of the country — about 500 thousand persons; and on the peninsula is situated the greatest quantity of mosques and prayer halls. Daily before Maghreb prayer are carried out lessons in Russian, Arabic, Crimean-Tatar and English. On them are carefully studied the Quranic stories about this or that event mentioned in the Holy Scripture; the biography of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and his associates.

A lot of people gather for these lessons, and lecture halls are always overflowed: people try to expand their knowledge of religion and its understanding in the course of this Holy Month.

It is remarkable that iftars visit not only Muslims, but also people adhering to other faiths interested in Islam or aspire to understand their friends or employees among Muslims better.

Visitors of these cultural and educational actions get rid of the imposed by mass-media and gossips stereotypes and do not see threat in Muslims, do not judge them and their religion wrongly.

Interaction and mutual aid

Iftar has one more name, "a favor meal". We observe it, when at one table the common supper is divided by rich and poor; aboriginals and visitors; people of different nationalities and races; various age, social strata and educational level. It pulls together and leads to the unity of Ummah as people, talking at the supper, have possibility to learn about life and problems of other people and, probably, to promote their decision. Iftar as a place of meeting of people who in ordinary life hardly will meet with the purpose to discuss something is a very powerful uniting factor.

This greatest blessing from the Almighty who gathers us on collective iftars to uplift our prayers to the Almighty, to break fast together; to learn about problems and expectations of each other and other people; to receive knowledge at lectures and discussions; to pray in congregation; and also to communicate behind a joint meal, a cup of tea or coffee in breaks between the evening lecture and Isha prayer.

In the course of the month of Ramadan on collective iftars are solved many questions, arise a set of charitable projects; in Ramadan in the course of collective discussion appear a set of new ideas and ways of their embodiment are found.

In Ukraine live about 2 million Muslims that makes 5 % from the country population.


Related Links:

"Al-Azhar" Imams to lead Prayers of Ukrainian Muslims throughout Ramadan

Ismail Kadi: "Muslims are integral Part of Ukrainian Society"

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