Muslims of Ukraine pray only in their Mosques

The Mufti of the RAMU "Ummah" Said Ismagilov
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Muslims of Ukraine respect the rights of followers of other faiths and laws of our country. In vain some journalists search for sensation there where it is not present and write articles with such headings, "Muslims to pray in Laura?" (, 27.09.2010). Having supported artificial scandal in the Russian mass-media because of the misinterpreted words of the Moscow Imam Ildar Alautdinov, they try to drag it here.

And it is not a single case. Some journalists cannot get used till now that Ukraine is not Russia. It is absolutely unacceptable to transfer Russian problems on the Ukrainian ground. For very simple reason: in Russia there are 25 million Muslims, and here, in Ukraine, about one million. Only these figures should prompt to journalists' absurdity of reflexions on a topic "Is it possible here?"

I will tell more; in this case the problem of shortage of places for prayers in Russia for Muslims exists only in Moscow and St.-Petersburg and only in the days of holidays, and also on Fridays, at times of juma-namaz. In other days there is no such congestion of believers.

In these two big cities of our northern neighbor, really sharp is a question of shortage of mosques. But as Russians say, "Moscow is not the whole Russia". In other cities the situation is much easier.

As to the statements of Imam Ildar Alautdinov whom I personally know well and respect, as it was found out, he did not make such statements. His words that similar precedents took place in the Middle Ages, and basically Muslims can pray in temples of Abrahamic faiths, journalists interpreted in their own way and there and then trumpeted in mass-media that Muslims plan to pray in churches. Actually, the Imam did not call to it and did not consider similar variants.

All it took place at the time of solving of a problem concerning building of a new mosque in Moscow in Textilschik area. This artificially created and forced problem which purpose is not to admit building of one more mosque in Moscow deeply afflicted the Russian Muslims. And how differently? At the present in the capital of Russia live about two millions Muslims, and thus they have only four small mosques for all! It is catastrophically insufficient for the country capital in which live 25 million Muslims.

Great pleasure from news that in Moscow was given permission for building of one more mosque, was replaced by disappointment from aggressive counteraction to its building.

And though practice of use of temples of other faiths under the needs of Muslims took place in the Middle Ages in the Arabian Caliphate, now it is hardly possible, especially in Russia, where people are set towards Muslims rather unfriendly, and here and there even actively prospers Islamophobia. And Muslims will not go to pray in a church. The cultural print in the consciousness of Muslims of the whole world differentiated for a long time such concepts, as "our temple", "our religion" and "their temple", "their religion".

It would be desirable to hope that Muslims of Russia will be given the chance to build so many temples, as they actually need, and the incident will be settled.

As to the Muslims of Ukraine, we do not apply for praying in temples of other faiths. If we have no place for carrying out of festive prayers, we rent on holidays premises of sport halls, clubs, etc.

Also we want everywhere where there is a significant amount of Muslims, to have our cult constructions. Very much we hope that local authorities will assist us and give to Muslims of Ukraine possibility of building of mosques, there, where it is necessary.

On this background exciting is the problem of counteraction to building of the Cathedral mosque in Simferopol. We are sure that the capital of the Crimean autonomy is worthy to have the new capacious Cathedral mosque as in Simferopol and nearby villages lives a considerable quantity of Muslims – the Crimean Tatars.

And the last, the big request to journalists is not to transfer anything "with the blame on others". Do not transfer a problem of Muslims of Russia on Muslims of Ukraine. Our Muslims have different mentality, different education and culture. Address with questions to the Muslims of Ukraine before writing such articles.

Mufti of the RAMU "Ummah"


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