Refat Chubarov: Problem of those Professing Monotheism, - to Live in Consent with their Conscience and their Neighbors

One of the reasons of radicalization of the Crimean-Tatar national movement is cool, to be exact, no relation to political-legal problems of this community, considers R.Chubarov.
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Refat Chubarov – the second according to influence and, obviously, the first quoted in mass-media leader of the Crimean Tatars. His Ukrainian language is possible to show to apologists of the second state language as the most eloquent example. He does not consider that between the Ukrainians and the Tatars everything is cloudless. And he does not know what the future of Crimea is in 50 years if the power will be inactive concerning ethnic problems...


Refat Abdurahmanovich, the People's Deputy Inna Bogoslovskaya recently declared that repatriation of the Crimean Tatars should be stopped. How will you comment on it?

The People's Deputy of Ukraine should not offer this at least because it contradicts number of international certificates ratified by Ukraine, and also many Ukrainian laws, in particular, about citizenship and about migration. I do not think that madam Bogoslovskaya did not think of it, and, I consider, this fact makes it more scandalous, that is better for that role which she performs. By such statements she gives signal to her electoral base – look, I counteract returning of the Crimean Tatars. She wants her name to sound. This is the case when politicians presuppose extreme cynicism. I told about it to Inna Germanovna.

The Russian community of Crimea recently published the reference in which it writes that criminal groupings under the leadership of the Mejlis grasp the land. They assert that the Tatars are provided by land. They also counted, how many families received the land, how many families are waiting, and prove that inquiries of the Tatars considerably exceed their requirements. Do you have arguments to answer this?

Any reasoning on numbers, if we cannot discuss any mechanisms which would satisfy all who requires the land, is just speculation. The mater is that the legislation of Ukraine defines people and those cases when they have right on the land. To stop such speculation completely, we, the Crimean Tatars, insisted that all decisions of the power in Crimea about investment of people with the land were transparent, and all allocation of the lands – at least from the middle of the 90th years – were taken in the special register. We demanded that in Crimea would be the register of physical and legal bodies having the ground areas of all patterns of ownership. And that there it would be specified, for what needs these areas were allocated. That unique time when we together with the chairman of the Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev were at the session of the National Safety Council, this decision was supported by it. Then the project of the decree of the President about creation of such register was prepared, and I was among those who sighted it. But when there was a decree, I noticed that there remained a point which provided only existence of the register for repatriates. In the decree it was suggested to trace the lands, allocated to the Tatars. And there was no speech about the other owners of the lands of peninsula.

It is necessary to know not only how many lands possess the Crimean Tatars, and how many lands in general are allocated to the other people. It should be made to understand what is allocated to the person (if it is allocated), on what he still has or has no right, and what is allocated to other people, for what purposes and whether they have the right on it.

Everyone wishes to count the land which is allocated under habitation to the Crimean Tatars. But those who do not give them the land under habitation, as a rule, have much more land which is registered on the names of their relatives.

You know, I have a feeling that Crimea turned in the field of fight – there is a war for the land, but this war is won only by those who at the power...

Yes, the land is grasped illegally by simple people, too, including the Crimean Tatars. The main reason of such a behavior is impossibility to receive the land legally because it is impossible to make the way through barriers and bribes, which are norm at consideration of agrarian questions.

But the truth is that behind talks round the compelled self-captures of the land by the Crimean Tatars, simply it is more convenient for authorities to carry out their transactions.

Nowadays some politicians spread an opinion that political strengthening of the Tatars bears certain threats for the future of Ukraine. They write that in Crimea exists up to ten radical Islamic cells.

If to gather all the information which is saved up around the Crimean-Tatar problems, and not to use it correctly, it is possible to come to awful conclusions.

There are political forces which perceive the Crimean-Tatar factor as the original tool for realization of their own interests. Such political forces show the Crimean Tatars as threat, and position themselves as “defenders from the malicious Tatars”, hoping to receive voices from "the frightened" voters. It is especially felt with approach of elections...

If to speak about our behavior, long accumulation of problems in community will necessarily lead to radical approaches. Therefore, we can speak about defined radicalization of the Crimean-Tatar national movement. And one of the reasons of it is cool, to be exact, no relation to political-legal problems of this community. The Crimean-Tatar community is disappointed that the Ukrainian authorities quite often use double standards. And not only in relation to the Tatars, but also to the whole Ukrainian society, to those values which are taken as a principle of the Ukrainian statehood.

On the one hand, Ukraine is the one state on the post-Soviet territory which confirmed the right of people for returning. Ukraine helps returning. And annually, let small, but some money is planned for these purposes. But the Ukrainian politics does not start the political-legal decision of this problem. Returning of the complete nation takes place. It is not just to bring, as some politicians consider, "the big heap of people" from one place to the other. It is necessary to settle legislatively a question of restoration of justice, their subsequent life that there would be no reasons neither for occurrence of the threats mentioned by you, nor for their inventing.

Political leaders of the Crimean-Tatar people assert that they see the future of their people as a part of the Ukrainian state. But do the people wish the same? How much is it stable? Whether the Turks or the Russians could break them?

For me the words supported with the actions are important. We will recollect 1991. Presidential elections and referendum about acknowledgement of the Certificate on the announcement of independence of Ukraine took place on December, 1st. In Crimea only 54% of people confirmed this independence, among them minimum 8-8, 5% were the Crimean Tatars. If not us, Crimea would become unique region of Ukraine where the percent of those who voted for independence, was less than 50...

As the politician and the historian I know one thing– nobody can tell with confidence what will happen in fifty years. But those who wish to avoid any imaginary or real threats, or, on the contrary, to reach any noble purposes, should work on it. The future of our Ukraine is created today. If today a core of relations would be mistrust, without solving principal questions, to try to tame, to suppress or to assimilate the Crimean Tatars, it is difficult to hope for the cloudless future. Hence, it is necessary to give to other people so much rights and freedom, how much you have it yourself. Than then they will be perceived by all problems and interests of the state, and in case of danger to it, will protect it not less self-denyingly, than others.


I saw numbers that out of three hundred Muslim communities thirty do not submit to the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Ukraine. What branch Islam is preached by Imams in these communities?

Yes, there are thirty as they name themselves, independent Muslim communities. You know, according to the current legislation there is a right – ten gathered people can register any religious organization. People of any faiths use this legislation; the same independent communities are in branches of Orthodoxy and other religions. I know many of those who created these, so-called, independent organizations. Believe me; there it is practically nothing from religion, from belief. As a rule, there act human ambitions, often dictated by benefit. These organizations will be always, but their quantity will be within 10-20 %. We are disturbed more by purposeful actions on strengthening in Crimea of the political organizations which use the name of Islam, like Hizb-ut-Tahrir. It causes anxiety as such organizations try to extend in Crimea not inherent for traditional Islam values, in particular, to introduce mistrust and fear in poly-ethnic and multi-religious Crimean society, deny possibilities of peaceful co-existence of people of different cultures and morals.

I read about the Crimean cells Jamaat, Brothers of Palestine freeing, Wahhabites...

In Islam, as well as in any other religion, there are certain trends and religious schools. Some of them, say, Wahhabism, supporters of which consider as their main task struggle for "clearing" of Islam from unacceptable, from their point of view, values, leaning on ethnic, cultural, language features of the Muslim people. Moreover, they accent on minority of language and cultural values, emphasizing, that it is enough that the people would feel themselves united by faith. So to say, revisionists from Islam.

It is clear that we do not welcome these approaches, as these postulates give the chance to manipulate people who come of their language, traditions, and way of life.

Behind occurrence of all these organizations we see activity of external forces which wish to weaken the unity of the Crimean Tatars. I already said that the radical organizations may be created by structures of the Russian Federation. But sometimes such people and methods may be used by our Ukrainian politicians, too.

Specialists on foreign affairs see the future global threat of the world in clash of Orthodox and Islamic civilizations. How do you think, whether the Lord would like to finish with this world, clashing two monotheistic religions?

The world is threatened with another thing. It is boundless negligence and unreasoned relation to resources which bestowed on us the Supreme. It means not only material resources. Through the material there is a deformation of all resources which are put in the person, too. If sometime there will be a doomsday if it is a plan of the Supreme, I do not think that it will happen on the ground of cultural or religious division. It will be because the mankind failed to perform its task. And our problem, as the people professing monotheism, is the same: to live in the consent with our conscience and our neighbors.



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Crimea: Islam Today

Inter-Confessional Conflicts in Crimea are inflated by Politicians and Journalists, - Expert Opinion

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