Seytumer Mustafaev: We should Live in Accordance with Islamic Laws

"We should be Muslims not only in word, but also in practice", Seytumer Mustafaev.
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The All-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" and the Crimean news agency QHA continue publication of series of materials on the topic "Islam today". How the belief in Allah helps Muslims to accept adequately tests of their lives read in the interview of the active worker of the Crimean-Tatar movement, Seytumer Mustafaev.

Allah gave to each of us great gift: health, memory, logic, sight, hearing … Allah gave to each of us a place under the sun. To each of us Allah gave the open sky, ability to breathe, ability to wander. However, the most important thing that Allah gave to us is ability to believe.

Certainly, the belief is not only given to us, but it is tested, it becomes tempered. The belief is checked by time and victims, it is melted and becomes stronger. Testing our belief, Allah exams us, and human lives are bright proof for that.

Having passed a hard course of life, Seytumer Mustafaev not only did not lose belief in Allah, but his belief even grew stronger. Carefree and joyful childhood of Seytumer-aga in 1944 was saddened by tragic event – he, as well as hundred thousands of the Crimean Tatars, were deprived of possibility to grow and live in their native Crimea by the Stalin regime, to enjoy beauty and gifts of the Motherland. 6-year-old, he together with his family was deported from Crimea. Got used to greatness of Bakhchisarai, the boy finds himself in the remote steppes of Uzbekistan. Nevertheless, his troubles did not finish here. After long attempts of his mother to provide her children with a shelter, she was compelled to leave them in orphanage in Samarkand. "I was irrevocably deprived my childhood", 72-year-old Seytumer-aga recollects these events with his eyes full of tears.

The need and hopelessness forced the 12 years-old Crimean-Tatar boy to go to work on brick-works, then on super phosphate factory where he worked just a year. Attempt to meet his mother at the time of a commandant's mode of special settlements in which conditions each inhabitant had be marked monthly at the commandant and could not move without its permission to distance more than 7 km, hardly did not lead Seytumer to 20 years of imprisonment. The boy, having left the factory, for two years was compelled to wander, and in two years, he was taken away in the army …

- Seytumer-aga, it is known that you are the active worker of the Crimean-Tatar national movement. Tell us, how you followed the way of realization of national idea?

– My priorities were defined in 1955 when I was taken away in the army. I served in the South Ossetia part, and once I was called by a military instructor who told me the following, "If I were Stalin, I would collect all of you (the Crimean Tatars, -ed.) on a barge and sink". These words played a predominating role in definition of my further activity.

After returning from army to Samarkand I understood that it is necessary to enter national movement. Then our duties were collection of petitions and money that would help us to return home. The work was conducted on the sites fixed to each active worker. Monthly we handed over reports on what part of work was carried out, what our plans were. We saw, how our people concern returning.

And in 1962 started mass returning of the Crimean Tatars to the native land, Crimea. Then I jerked to Crimea with two juvenile children, too. It was very difficult: we with our children were expelled from hotels, it was impossible to find a job; we were even detained and brought on interrogations. In Crimea, active workers made a decision to spend on May 18, 1968, in Moscow and in the homeland simultaneous demonstrations. However soon my family and me had to leave Crimea, and till 1974, we lived in Krasnodar. And already after definitive moving to Crimea my family and me located in the village of Uch-Koz of Karasubazarsky (Belogorsky) area. I wish to tell that all these years our people were under huge pressure, but we survived.

– Seytumer-aga, you passed difficult enough course of life. In your actions you were guided, first of all, by national idea. Tell us, whether your patriotic spirit was supported by religious idea?

– Everything that was done by us (active workers of the national Crimean-Tatar movement), always was done in the name of Allah. After all before deportation we, the Crimean Tatars, were especially spiritually developed, we were pure. Even in the day when our people were deported from native Crimea, our old men and women rushed to the house and took with them not money as it is today, but the most precious that each Muslim may have – the Quran. And my mother done the same. Now the Holy Book that I got from her is already more than 100 years.

Here now they often speak about democracy. We, Muslims, should remember that we do not have such a concept. We live with the name of Allah; we should adhere to what He says.

– What role in your life played Islam?

– Islam in my life played the important role just because I am a Muslim, – Seytumer-aga states. – When I was young I rarely participated in religious practices. Probably because I was torn off from my Motherland, I could not enjoy spiritual forces of the native land. And when I returned to Crimea, I started to consider myself as a true Muslim.

– To your mind, in what way takes place the process of religious revival of the Crimean Tatars nowadays?

– Nowadays the situation with religious consciousness of the Crimean Tatars cardinally changed. If in pre-war, pre-deportation years, we were religiously competent, nowadays we are attached to religion by such religious organizations as "Al-Raid", the fund "Dianet", etc. Perhaps this saturates the Crimean Tatars, after all nowadays our people revive in the spiritual, religious plan, but in insufficient volume. Frequently, people, postponing spirituality, strive to get financial profit. We forget, who we are, where we live. Nevertheless, at the same time, I do not think that our people will definitively leave religion.

To correct the situation, we, the Crimean Tatars-Muslims, should gather round mosques, get education there, communicate, after all only Muslims have such great and comprehensive book, as the Quran. It is necessary to give more attention to religious education of the Crimean-Tatar youth. I believe that it is necessary for us to develop spirituality. Old men in a community should work with youth, guide them, and the youth should listen to old men, to adopt their life experience.

Yes, it is necessary to strive to create material benefits round oneself, but, at the same time, we should not forget that we are Muslims who during and after meals should read the dua (prayer), perform Namaz, fast, follow Shariat, render the financial help to mosques, instead of spending money on things destroying them. Allah will consider our fidelity. In general, we should be Muslims not only in words, but also in practice. I am 71 years old, and until now, I cultivate crops and work in my garden. I am sure, Allah helps me in it.

– Seytumer-aga, addressing to Muslims of Crimea, what would you like to wish them?

– Allah gave us this wonderful land. He inspired us on homecoming and helped to carry it out. We, Muslims of Crimea, should thank Him for that and not forget about His mercy. Let us live under Islamic laws.

We see that despite all vital peripheries, Seytumer Mustafaev could come back home, to native Crimea, he brought up two children and five grandsons, provided them with worthy education and profession. And the sincere belief in Allah the Almighty, feeling that he should pass his life test helped him in the most difficult situations.


Related Links:

Crimea: Islam Today

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