Rasim Dervishev: “Crimean Tatars Living In Turkey Didn’t Support Russian Annexation of Crimea”

Mr. Rasim Dervishev, official representative of Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea in Kyiv
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A website close to the new “authorities”, “Kryminfo” website shared the news stating that the Federation of Crimean Tatar Communities of Turkey allegedly supported the reunion of “Republic Crimea” with Russian Federation. At the same time, Crimean Tatars in Ukraine note that the “Federation” is a dingy organisation, representing four or five people, but not the whole diaspora in Turkey.

The actual Crimean Tatars living in Ukraine (including the Crimean peninsula) continue attributing the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to Ukraine. This was stated by Mr. Rasim Dervishev, official representative of Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea in Kyiv, in his exclusive interview for the “Social Country”.

“I’ve heard nothing of this Federations until fairly recently, and neither did most of the CrimeanTatars, I suppose. Their first official statements are dated 2011, which is three years ago. This organisation has also been found to have permanent contacts with “Milli Firqa”, a well-known pro-Russian organisation which is not very popular among the Crimean Tatars. Moreover, I’ve contacted the city of Skalya (Turkey) diaspora representative, and he told me that mr. Unver Sel, Head of the Federation, represents only himself and another four to five people,” - Mr.Dervishev said.

According to him, most Crimean Tatars acknowledged neither the referendum, nor the annexation.

“We see Crimea as an integral part of Ukraine. That’s the general tune,” - the Imam stressed.

As is known, Mr.Petro Poroshenko, the new President of Ukraine, said that Crimea has been and would ever be an integral part of Ukraine in his inauguration speech.

Pleace find Mr.Dervishev’s full interview (in Russian) in the plot of “Social Country.”

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