Ukrainian Leadership Recognizes Procrastination of Djuma-Djami’s Problem is Fallacious, but no Real Steps are Made

Majlis together with the Religious Administration of the Moslems of Crimea must start construction works for building of the Djuma-Djami on Yaltynska Street
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Meetings of the Majlis of Crimean Tatar people’s leadership devoted to the problem on construction of the Djuma-Djami (the Central Mosque) on Yaltynska Street, 22 with the Ukraine’s premier Yulia Tymoshenko , leader of the Regions Party Victor Yanukovych and Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea Anatolii Hrytsenko were held recently. All of these leaders recognized procrastination of Djuma-Djami’s problem is as fallacious one.

This is disclosed to QHA reporter by the Chairman of the Majlis of Crimean Tatar people MP Mustafa Djemilev.

“However, with that, no real steps are made”, - stressed M. Djemilev.

He noted “the heads” consider as necessity to wait a court decision on this issue that will be conclusive one and the authorities will not dispute it.

“But we shall use old methods if we shall not able to settle the issue of the Djuma-Djami’s construction by means of law. At first, we shall start to build a fence and tidy out the territory. Thus, we shall show nobody goes away from this land plot. The Djuma-Djami will be constructed just there nevertheless”, - the Majlis Chairman assured.

It will be recalled that the Majlis approved the resolution of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people by that the Majlis together with the Religious Administration of the Moslems of Crimea must start construction works for building of the Djuma-Djami on Yaltynska Street in Aqmescit (Simferopil).


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